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Diamond Hell

How to get the fuseboard re-located after work?

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After having installed the ABF I have one major issue to resolve with the car. How on God's green Earth do you get the sodding fuseboad back clipped in?! There's just NO SPACE!!


Any suggestions/hints and tips greatly appreciated.... even if the answer is to take out the bloody dash and get the wiring sorted FIRST.



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Haha! Brute force and ignorance! I had the same problem when I did my climatronic and pulled the dash out also had to add a new loom. I don't have any tips just make sure all the cables are tucked out of the way and nothing gets trapped, hook the bottom in first then just PUSH and hopefully it'll clip back into place : P

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takes a fair bit of time - you need to 'feed' the looms back through the bulkhead slightly. As you're pushing the top of the panel keep your hand behind it from underneath to feel which cables are being pressed too much, and manipulate them accordingly. Its hard to describe but once you make a start you'll know what i mean.

Horrible task, tbh - wish you all the best!

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Mine's been dangling free since February for exactly this reason :lol: Be aware that if you re-wrap any of the wiring then it may not fit back again - mine suffered because I tidied up the wiring slightly after replacing the steering column.


If it is dangling then it only matters if the relays fall out…only my windscreen wipers have suffered so far… ;)



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