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16V KR Coolant trouble! Please try and help :D

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Hi all!

I had an issue with my Corrado 16V last night. I was travelling 'quick enough' down a lovely long empty bypass with a friend following me flashing as more and more steam appeared. When I pulled up, there was in fact no coolant left in the header tank at all, and the temperature had risen. The cabin heater also went cold.


I cant seem to find a blown hose anywhere on it, however the gearbox and surrounding area of the bulkhead are soaked. I'm wondering if a core plug has either started to leak or blown out completely? There has been something not quite right for a while now, but the car doesn't seem to be down on power and it runs sweet still...


Anyone had similar?

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The plastic outlet on the side of the head above the gearbox has a tendency to split, Good place for a first look. Try refilling it and letting it warm up while looking for any obvious leaks.

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What colour header tank cap does it have, you want a blue one, the original black ones can fail and let coolant spew out

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It has a blue one. It's still buggered! Been filling it up and trying to bleed it for days now... If I run it with the cap off, the coolant suddenly starts bubbling out of the top of the header tank.

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Starting to get pretty wound up now, it needs sorting ASAP but I dont really know where to look. The symptoms are strange as ****.

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Yeah this was worrying me as I'm currently building up my other engine and dont want to spend on the Corrado really :p. I took it for a spin with the water topped up, it was fine up to operating temp and rose normally. Once it hit around 90*C and the thermostat had opened, coolant was going into the non pressurised radiator and boiling as the temperature was able to rise quicker. The coolant was leaving the radiator as steam, lowering the water level, and the process repeats.

Got it nice and hot, opened the bonnet and could see steam leaving the top of the radiator near the battery, replaced the radiator for a nice new shiny one and flushed the whole system, filled with new antifreeze and it's been fine so far :]

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