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On the hunt !

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Hi guys , I have wanted a corrado g60 since i was a teenager and for one reason or another i never got round to getting one . The time has come i feel to scratch the itch , especially as they seem to be getting a bit thin on the ground now . So i thought this would be a good place to start my research . The only downside is the wife is making me sell some of my cars before i buy any new ones . So the S3 has drawn the short straw i think to fund a g60 . If anyone wants to do a deal on S3 drop me a Pm . Well back to the research , see ya around ..



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Welcome! Good luck with your hunt, and get an ad up for the S3 as you never know.

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Thanks for the reply . I will post an ad on here when i hit the posting limit . I am not one to post just for the sake of it .

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I am about to sell my g60, i haven't put an add up yet but you can see some pics linked below, where are you based?




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