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If we live in a democratic society...

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... Then why do the English, Welsh and Norn Iron people not have a say as to whether Scotland should or shouldn't have independence?


Personally I think independence will be a bad thing for the Scots and I have a funny feeling that the English would vote Scotland out of the union. That Salmond clown is pretty clueless!


The basic economic figures are (taken from the Scottish government website itself) that 45.2bn comes into the economy and 64.5bn goes out with the rest being subsidised by the rest of the UK. Those figures take into account, the Scottish share of the oil and gas industry. Also 17% of Scotlands gdp is spent on health. That can't be a good thing and I'm sure free subscriptions and universities will have to be re thought.



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It's worse than that I think, ive heard if a scot isn't currently resident in Scotland they can't vote either.


I better not say what I think as an Englishman, I'm a keyboard lover not a warrior :)

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  Sean_Jaymo said:
Does that mean that an Englishman living in Scotland can vote then?


Yip, thats me..

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