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Push starter

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My ignition barrel is on the way out and was going to replace it but was thinking about putting in a push button starter instead. Don't want one where you have to put in the key to turn on ignition either. Defeats the purpose in my opinion.

This forum seems to have gotten to me and want to keep an OEM look so I am thinking of using the cig lighter as the starter. My thought is when you push in the CIG lighter a small bit, it closes two switches. Acc and on. Then when you push the cig lighter in as if you were heating the element, this closes the start switch.

To kill the engine, you then just pull the cig lighter out which will open the on and acc switches.

This will then mean no security from starting car though, so thought hiding a numpad in the ashtray. Know its a bit cheesy but best option. Maybe something similar to the asainwolf one. You must enter a code to then allow acc and on switches to close.

As don't want to even attempt to remove steering lock (though I don't use it) will be just splicing it all in so that key can still be used as per normal.

Anyone ever tried this or something like it?

Any advice would be mist appreciated.

Going to add lights and radio to be turned on when acc switch closes also as I always drive with lights on even during daytime. Thinking maybe a not gate to close windows and sunroof when acc opened again but that might be an add on for the summer project list.

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I used to have a push button on my old corrado and can honestly say if I didn't have it, my car would have been stolen by some scumbag piece of $h*t. I have heard of someone doing something similar but I had problems with my push button, don't think it was a particularly expensive push button so every so often it would just not work for a few presses.

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I get the feeling I was ripped off then, I've got the receipt in the car, I'll look again once I get home, having said that, it solved my problem, so felt ok at the time :lol:

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