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VR6 Starting, then not starting

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I've sort of been dragging my feet with this as it has been winter but I've finally got around to starting my VR6 after replacing the head gasket and it's playing up.


I put on the HT leads etc.. and just put the inlet manifold on while I started it, turned it over a few turns without the fuel or spark to let the tensioner bolt do its thing, then put everything on, after about 3 - 4 turns it started up but the revs started to lift so I knocked it off immediately, happy it was starting I took to putting all the air pipes to see how it idles, then came to start it only this time it wouldn't start at all.


I've took off the inlet/rocket and checked the timing, still all lines up and the chain has tension on it so it doesn't look to have jumped a tooth from what I can see but still no joy starting it, now it has been stood for some time and it's on an axle so it's leaning to one side but I can smell fuel getting to the inlet.


What would my next steps be to diagnose this, should I put some fresh fuel in to make sure it's not the old fuel causing it? It sounds like it's getting compression but it just doesn't seem to fire or even try, it's not like it sputters and then trys, there's just nothing so I'm wondering if it's either fuel or spark.

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There was a recent problem on here with old fuel causing starting difficulties . How old is the old fuel . If you suspect its too old get rid . Once the fresh fuel is in , try again . The thread im talking about also mentioned the old fuel coating the plugs , so new plugs were fitted , im not sure how old fuel would damage the plugs and why a little wire brushing could not clean them up but there you go .If you have fuel and a spark it would be worth checking the work you have just compleated ,before looking at other options . Im not saying you have not done it right , just worth a look over .


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well, funnily enough, after posting this I started reading the thread that MonnlightVR6 had posted and someone had posted about a thread you'd started Rob which I was going to look for next, the fuels been in there for about a year and a half now, it did run alright to move it to where I've done the work but it has been a year since then. I've just been over the timing on it to make sure it's all right and it seems right, I even cranked it a few turns and made sure the cam plate still slots in nicely.


I'm wondering if it is fuel now, maybe when I first started it it has burnt off some of the fuel left in the line but because it was low and it has been on a lean for so long the fuel pump isn't putting any through, I might try disconnecting the bottom fuel line is it and turning it over to see if fuel is running through or not.

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Yeah just check for fuel at the rail , also if you have run it dry , it would be worth changing the filter as well .


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So I've been out today after work and put some fresh fuel in, I was going to take it off the axle stand but I didn't get chance, but I have taken the top fuel line off and there is fuel in there but I have to say it smells... funky.


It sort of smells more like turps than petrol and you can't really see any fumes coming off it either, I'm guessing it has gone off (if fuel can go off) and the new fuel I have put in hasn't run through yet so I think I'm going to take the fuel lines off and run the new fuel through. I checked the spark plugs as they were new when I put them in and they're sparking fine but thinking back when I moved to where it is now it was a pig to get started but at the time I was jumping off a small battery and it had been stored for a year at that point and its had another 5 months on top of that now.

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I'm wondering if I've managed to drag some fuel through when I moved it and that's what burnt off when I got it to fire but now it's just all the off fuel that has been in the tank that is coming through, so am I right in thinking that if I take off the top hose and put it into a container I can turn it over to get some fresh fuel through?

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The fuel will come through yes . But how much of the old stuff was in there ,any idea ?. I dont know how little crap fuel it takes to ruin the new stuff ?. This was why i said to empty the tank . Try pumping it through until it smells like it should do .

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