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ABS light.

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Although my baby now starts I suspect there is more problems.


I was moving it from the mechanics (he was letting me store it there as its locked behind gates and my local youth just broke my window) forecourt to my work over the weekend (approx 200M).

As I pulled out on to the road I did a little wheelspin by accident (I'd forgotten the power) and as I did I noticed thew ABS light came on and stayed on (it came on and went off when I initially stared it, like usual). It wasn't running for long and when I got to my work I turned her off to do the door window. As I was doing the window I had to move it so my colleague could get the forklift out, when I started it this time it came on and stayed on, I left it running to see if it went of, it didn't so I turned her back off thought bugger, and continued with the window. A few hours later once I had done the window I took her back the the garage forecourt and it came on and went off like usual.


Was that just its way of saying "I've been sleeping for years, take me easy". Or is something knackered / on last legs?

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Easy enough to check the sensors - just had to do this myself. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance. The sensor wires have connectors on the suspension turrets at the front and the rear ones are under the back seat. I have a 16v, I'm assuming the VRs are the same. I forget what the value should be exactly but if you have a duff one it will be a totally different reading from the others.


I had a broken front sensor. Had to remove the disc to get the bugger out because it had welded itself in to its hole.

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