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G60 loss of power/boost

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Was driving home today after a day at Centre Parcs Longleat, G60 was running well back down the A36/A338 until the A31 at Ringwood, was accelerating in 3rd when there was a muffled pop & immediate loss of power, no other noise & motor sounded ok, drove home ok to Bournemouth but drives like its lost its boost & there is a slight smell of fuel. Havent looked under the bonnet yet, its dark out now will look tomorrow. Does anybody know what I'm likely to find, do the boost pipes have a habit of bursting?


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I would suspect one of the pipes has popped off.

I can come round to lend a hand if you need tomorrow afternoon

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Hi Owen, thanks for the offer. I'll have a look tomorrow, I suspect there might be a problem up near the throttle body because there is a different induction noise on full throttle & the smell of fuel suggests a hole near where the heater fan sucks air into the cabin.Maybe the pipe has popped off somewhere there.

Cheers Mick

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Had a quick look this morning & everything around the throttle body & charger looks ok but got underneath to look at the intercooler end & it looks like one of the rubber pipes has popped off down there. its a bit oily down there so thats helped it slip off I guess. Should be quite easily fixed with a clean up & push back & re-tighten I hope. I've had the 2 rear mounts replaced with stock ones recently by my local backstreet VW garage who always do a very good job for me, I just wonder whether they jacked the motor up a bit to do it & pulled this pipe partially off. Just a thought, anyway i'll have a go at fixing it later today.


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The culprit was a broken jubilee clip on one of the easily accessible intercooler pipes, now fixed.

Thats the sort of problem I like, easily fixed....


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