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Holy exploding tailpipes Batman! 1.8 16v KR Ignition - No spark. FEI unit?

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On my way out this morning I got a mile or so up the dual carriageway and lost engine power. I put my foot down a little but nothing happened I then glanced down at the rev counter wich read nothing and sunddenly BOOM! It sounded like a shotgun, I glanced in the mirror to see bits of exhaust baffle flying down the road and the tailgating Audi dissapearing.. This all happened in the space of a few seconds, luckily I was right by a sliproad so coasted off onto a little road. The top of my lovely noisy Janspeed backbox has been peeled open like a sardine can! To confirm my suspicions I checked for a spark, nothing, lots of fuel though.. Having got a tow back I pulled my data books out and got stuck in.


So I have no HT at the coil. I have been through the component test procedures for the coil, hall sensor, temp sensor, FEI and amplifier. All seems well apart from the power feed to the hall sensor from the FEI. For me that would single out the FEI except that when crank testing the hall sensor (with an LED on the amplifier plug) it passes even when it (the distributor) isn't plugged in! This has me stumped, is there another engine speed/position sensor? My data book is 1987 so only covers the KR in the Golf and Scirocco but I didn't imagine it would be too different in the Corrado.


Even so I'm convinced enough to try another FEI. Does anyone near Cornwall/Devon border have one please? This week the Corrado's my only car and I'm kinda stuck.



PS I have been trying to find an electrical problem which causes any electrical load of any kind to feed back through the rev counter making it jump around, with the stereo turned up it's like a crap VU meter! This has ended up with me blocking up the air pipe to the ISV as this interference was making it overcompensate and tick over at 2000rpm. I'd be surprised if this had nothing to do with it.

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Try another FEI unit - I think something odds happened to the rev limiter circuit inside it - maybe caused by a dodgy stereo or bad engine earth etc so maybe unplug the stereo as well to simplify things...

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Thank you. That is similar but my TCI checks out. I'll try another though if I can.


I've been looking for every earth point. I cleaned the battery to chassis to gearbox connections and the one on the a pillar by the ISV control box but no joy. Tomorrow I'll try taking the stereo out "always look at that last thing you fiddled with" I forgot that.

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Right. I borrowed a used amplifier, control box and distributor. The borrowed control box shows the same fault as mine so if someone has a known good one please let me know.

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