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Hi everyone


As we speak am sat in an AA van 220 quid down on my way home from Bug Jam and I didn't even manage to get there! ! Absolutely Guttered!!


Anyone any ideas......


I was driving fine on the motorway for about an hour when suddenly the car became very juddery when I held the acelerator in possition crusing at about 70. When I accelerated up it wasnt as bad only when I held my speed! Before I had chance to turn off motorway a huge bang and 2 foot of flames shot out the back and the engine cut out! Tried starting it back up after 10 mins or so and the engine tried turning over but kept back firing massively! It eventually started for 2 mins then cut out! No issues with ht leads and dizzy is dry. AA Bloke thinks its a metering head issue and made a few tweaks with the fuel/air flow allen key but still same issue. Any body got any ideas as it was running fine before!

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An ignition misfire tends to be quite violent, unburnt fuel in the hot exhaust will ignite and back fire.


Fuelling misfires tends to be softer, more gentle, but if its massively over fuelling the petrol will also ignite in the hot exhaust.


Check for a spark at the plugs when it wont start, I'd compression test the engine to confirm all's well with it before spending on ignition and fueling parts

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We've checked for a spark at he plugs and all working ok. Engine did turn over for a little but then dies

D but while it was running it was ok.


Do you think this could be a metering head issue but I don't understand why it would just do it after its been running ok. The fuel/air has been played with a little is it worth getting it set up?

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The above is what's needed for an engine to run (if it has all 4 it should run, it might not run very well but it should run). When you have a non start you need to find what you have and what's missing and go from there.


The time to test for the above is when the engine wont start

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Thanks Dox for your help! We checked it over last night and found that the route course was the rotar arm! Where it slides on the dizzy spindle it had rounded so was slipping causing the violent backfire! All that for £3 part!


The timing was also slightly forward so that is getting sorted this week too!


thanks again

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