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Atki's VR6 is alive !!!

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Hi all and especially to Rob.


My Rado is back. The forum info has come up with the goods yet again. It's amazing what a can of WD can do for a car.

I followed some of the instructions from the threads and was about to attempt to try to undo the big round plug when I thought spray it first. It worked !! She spluttered into life and very soon was running sweet.That was the issue, I hope, all along.

So my next question is..... what can I do to prevent this happening all over again? No matter how hard I tried I could not separate the plug from its bracket let alone split it. Is there a little trick or is down to brute force and luck?

Many thanks to Robrado for his threads and to all who came to my need.

Atki aka Mike

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By the big round plug , do you mean the lead from the ecu ? . I can't remember if you turn it anti clockwise or clockwise , but it only turns a fraction . It will then release . I would spray electrical contact cleaner on the pins , leave it for a bit wipe it and reconnect .

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The multi pin plug in the bay I'm assuming? They can be a pig to undo, and sometimes brute force is the only way. It will eventually come off, and as Rob has said, electrical contact cleaner should clear up any issues provided it isn't too corroded inside. A bit of silicon grease around the locking part will aid future removal too.

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