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VR6 MAF Wiring loom and plug (female)

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My girl is having running issues caused by corrosion on her MAF sensor plug :(


The rubber boot has corroded and has been allowed to let in water in the past but as she's an Auto, if she stalls it's not just a case of dipping the clutch and firing her back up, it means a full stop and put her in 'Park' sadly this has already caused her to be rear-ended once.


If anyone has one with as much wire as possible I would be eternally grateful.


I called a local mech who dealt with a lot of C's and he told me that all he has are 16v's at the moment, but my best chance would be from a VR6 engine from either a C or a Mk3 golf.





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can you not carefully clean the plug and contacts up? I will have the MAF and sensor from mine available soon if that helps. I #think# i've also got a spare connector but i'll check this weekend and get back to you.

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Is yours OBD1 or OBD2? I believe they have different MAFS?


I can have a look at my old VR wiring and see if it's still there, it was OBD1.


Edit: I'm starting to think all rado's were OBD1, I'm not sure though, alcohol is clouding my judgement.....

Edited by borachris

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Thanks for the replies, I have no idea, where can I find out? It's an L reg (94) as soon as it stops p'ing down I'll go out and take a look :)


She's managed the past 50 miles with only a couple of erratic gear changes into limp-home mode. No stalls though. I've given the contacts a clean but the contact cleaner seems to have left a white film. It sounds a bit dim but I'm not sure what to clean the contacts with. The female side looks pretty bad to be. It is safe to touch them with anything?[ATTACH=CONFIG]79368[/ATTACH]


I've done some research and dielectric grease apparently helps insulate the connections, (search 'cagemod') I've ordered some but I think ultimately a new plug is my best chance of a fix. I will replace the MAF too.

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I'm still looking for one of these if anyone has one :(


It's getting pretty desperate...

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Sorry totally forgot about this..

Can I get back to you over the weekend? I've also got a perfect MAF if you need.

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Sure, Id be very grateful, I have bought a new MAF and fitted it Wednesday which has cured the misfire and *so far* the fact she'd slip into limp home mode.


But the 5th spade connector on the plug is shot to bits though corrosion, I don't know where to begin replacing the wire and figure the primary cause is the fact the plug is letting in through water and has caused the corrosion. If I can just replace the whole dam thing I hope it resolves the problem.


Right now, when I slow down for a roundabout, occasionally, the MAF "disconnects" and the engine stalls. I am going to take the air box and MAF off tomorrow and grease and fit new hose clips in case there is an air leak. I can't escape this dammed plug though grrr!


Thanks for your reply ;)

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