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Declan Sedrick Lehane

Winter is Coming

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Today is the first day I had to defrost the Corrado :sad: I hate this time of year!


The Corrado is the oldest car I've owned and this morning I couldn't even get the key in the lock to open the car!


What do you lot do different, if anything at all when using the cars during winter!?

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I used winter tyres one year, they made a big difference. (for sale in classifieds btw) :lol:


I've bought an A3 TDI so will be using that this year.


Its worth cleaning the handbrake mechanisms and spraying with WD40 or something similar as they freeze up some morning and leave your rear wheels locked.


Check you have sufficient antifreeze/coolant mix (i still come across people using plain water), also stronger windscreen fluid as that can freeze and be a pain in the arse.

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Get some deicer spray for locks. I had the same problem the mechanism allows water in then freezes. Before winter sets in i spray some of that in and stops it happening

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I always kept one of those windproof lighters with my car keys , the jet type lighters

I found that even with wd40 sometimes the locks would freeze so i used to heat the key up , this works a treat and you dont have to spray anti freeze on the paint , i also remember not been able to get to the anti freeze because my locks was froze hahaha

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last year i used the silicone lubricant i purchased for the sunroof & ran some along the inside of the top door rubbers - it seemed to work pretty well at stopping the doors from freezing shut :D

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I installed a toad alarm system with central locking then got a bodyshop to cut my corrado handles out and weld audi door handles in with no locks, no more lock problems or having to climb in through the boot, I got a few funny looks doing this dressed in office clothing and being over 6ft.


Thankfully mine now stays in a garage all winter but a windscreen cover is always useful and costs about a fiver, and as for de-icer I always use the spray type bottles not tins, works much better!

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Thankfully mine now stays in a garage all winter but a windscreen cover is always useful and costs about a fiver, and as for de-icer I always use the spray type bottles not tins, works much better!


Yeah, Tesco's cans of de-icer just makes the ice even icier, lol.

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She overnights in the garage. I'm hoping next year I'll be in a position to SORN her over the winter months but I'm not sure I could go that long without her.


I had planned to have her waxoyled this month but I was made redundant on Monday :-( so getting her through her MOT this month is my priority.

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Yeah, Tesco's cans of de-icer just makes the ice even icier, lol.



ha how this made me giggle, so true!

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Sorry to hear about your job. Hope you find something soon.


Cheers, I should have a nice sum Compensation and redundancy (insolvency was the reason) so needless to say the Rado will be getting a few treats while I keep myself busy looking for a new job :-) I just have to wait for it from te government :-(

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