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stel g60

cryogenic systems

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yeah i guessed that but whne it comes to MOT you just dont un it so that should be fine :)


as for the person behind you how would that work as i couldnt see flames shooting out of the back of the car lol

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sounds like something from wacky races dick dastardly style :lol:


my mr2 used to have an oil slick defence system (leaky sump) :)


and my mate has a golf with a smoke screen (knackered rings) :lol:

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if you´re venting C02 in the zorst then there will be more c02 in the air giving them less power!

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Was chatting to a chap who is 'in the know' about these systems last week. He highlighted a few very interesting points about these systems. CO2 has the affinity to absorb a lot of latent heat when it goes from liquid to gas, the chemical reaction absorbs a lot of heat... However, this reaction in most systems has gone on already and all that his the intercooler is cool CO2 gas which has a negliogable effect on dropping boost temps as once the gas is mixed in with air in the envioroment the cooling effect is minimal.

Basically if you can harness the chemical reaction from liquid to gas on the core of the intercooler then you are laughing, if not, don't bother.

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my friends dad is serious about cossies. and before he does time trials he spray's the intercooler with pipe freeze, availble from any plumbing merchants. althou he was pushing over 500 bhp and 485ftlb of torque at 39psi.. on paper it would beat a maclaren f1 between 100 and 150. 0-135 12 sec. :shock: :shock: but he wants more, his having it rebuilt to cope with 700bhp. crazy, and it was still a 2 liter, 4door full interior, oh and it was rated the fastest cossie in the country, 183.27mph. :shock:

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LOL... that plumbers spray is good shit....was only a 75bhp Siearra GLS before the spray..LOL. 39psi lol madness

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g60bv I know what u mean ive seen alot of people use it before but never gave it any though as ive always had a n/a cars, but now that ive bolted on a charger its all different :D


also beavis your mate theory it is correct but only when the bottle is nearly about 90-95% empty other wise it hold no truth what so ever. The only reason it does that when its that when its nearly empty, is that there is not compression left in the bottle from holding it, in a liquid form but then you just have to look at fire extinguisher to see what I mean. Also if it’s nearly that empty your better of finishing it off than leaving a little sitting in there.

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LOL... PMSL Alex.. you have just answered the theory yourself mate. The bottle is where the reaction is and it goes cold because thats where the reaction is going on from liquid to gas form, hence why the bottle goes cold. Your missing the point that is being made, CO2 has a negligable effect sprayed over the core as a Gas, if you can get the liquid and the reaction to happen on the core it will then have the same effect as what is happening in a fire extinguisher, all the surrounding heat from the enviroment and solid surfaces is being used in the reaction from liquid to gas taking the heat with it off the core during the reaction. I'm not knocking the systems, just saying that primatively spraying CO2 over the core has little effect, but if the system can be set up so that the chemical reaction takes place on the core you will have the bollox of a system.

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Tell you what guys go hold your hand over a can of computer cleaner as you spray it, the air coming out of the straw is freezing.


The charge cooler spray bar is ment as the exhaust (last part of the chain) in the C02 system, the main part is in the throttle body intake hose or you can do that flow inducer thing


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