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Bizarre rise in oil temp when headlights switched on G60

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Have thought oil temps reading a bit high recently on my stock G60 & then noticed that oil temp reading rises by about 8c when the headlights are switched on & goes back down again when their switched off??

Everything appears to be working fine apart from this strange rise in the reading, I was beginning to think the stock oil cooler was furred up but looks like a weird electrical fault causing high readings. I will check/clean earths & check connections on the modded lighting loom.

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Have a search, (I can't be arsed) as someone else had this problem with their VR6 iirc. If you turn the engine off, then re-start it goes back to reading correctly I think it was. Very strange and I'm not sure they ever got to the bottom of it...........................

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It's a real mystery and doesn't seem to be an uncommon issue. My VR does it!

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Turning the lights on must increase the resistance in the temp sensor circuit. Strange that the water temp or air temp doesn't increase too!

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Thanks guys at least I know mines not the only one with this strange fault. I have today tightened earth connections & battery clamps/connections & remade lighting connections on relays of modded loom & I think oil temp readings are lower also coolant temp which seemed to rise quickly when stuck in traffic now seems more stable but I havent done any motorway driving which pushes the oil temp up. Should have a better idea tomorrow after a burst along the A31/M27 to Southampton & back.

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Well have had a couple of quickish drives to Southampton & back this week & the oil/water temps are now back to sensible levels & seem more stable just by tightening main earths to body behind the battery & bell housing & from throttle body to coil clamp & tightening auxiliary wires on battery clamps as well as clamps themselves. I still see a rise of about 4c in oil temp when lights switched on but its about half what it was & now I know its electrical I wont worry so much. I was convinced the water jacket in the oil cooler on top of the oil filter was furred up especially as the heater hasnt been very hot recently but I'm pretty certain thats hot/cold flap in heater box problem now as the flow & return coolant pipes to the matrix both get very hot.

That'll be the next job then, the heater box was out about 2 years ago for new matrix & the chap that did it mentioned he had fitted new foam to flaps, I had a quick look by taking passenger side shelf out & could see cable operating levers/gears ok on box. Seem to get more heat if fan on max so wondering if foam has come off flap & is blocking air thro matrix?? Dont want to take heater box out, does anybody know if you can remove fan ducting to see flap etc without taking box out?

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