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Anyone know if Graham is still trading? Called the unit a few weeks back and there was an answerphone message about taking on an external contract and that he wouldn't be at the unit everyday. Just called and the number is no longer recognised :(

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Graham is fine - he's on holiday at the moment. He has indeed started work outside of DG Autotech so that's become a part time concern.. so not sure why the phone is dead entirely, unless he has indeed shut down the business - but that certainly wasn't the case when I last spoke to him in November.

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Yeah he is fine. The contract takes up most of his time now and i believe it is ongoing.


Which is a right pain in the RS because he was happy doing work on my T5 and i am now a bit stuck locally.

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Just wondering if anyone had any news? Friend tried to phone the other week - phone still dead, previously working mobile number no longer working. And I sent a Facebook message which was apparently viewed but I never got a reply :(

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Just wondering if anyone had any news? Friend tried to phone the other week - phone still dead, previously working mobile number no longer working. And I sent a Facebook message which was apparently viewed but I never got a reply :(


I was a regular customer to Graham's. All my fleet were taken up to him throughout the year, both Corrado's and the VRS for all work. I knew he was looking at other opportunities as the money and rewards were making him hate the job. 303 heater matrix went and I had lined up to go in the new year. Various text, calls and emails were sent and I did not receive anything back. I don't mind him closing up and trying a new venture, if it is not making you happy and providing you with a half decent income, then why do it.


What I'm a little annoyed about is, I at least thought I'd get a message of some sort to tell me the situation

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I would really like to understand what is going on as I've been a pretty good customer and like you have no idea what's happened. I'm totally sympathetic if the garage thing just wore thin and he wanted to move onto new ventures, but it sucks a bit to be stuck in the dark about it.

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I would really like to understand what is going on as I've been a pretty good customer and like you have no idea what's happened. I'm totally sympathetic if the garage thing just wore thin and he wanted to move onto new ventures, but it sucks a bit to be stuck in the dark about it.


I have never used DG but i would agree with you Jim & ozowen & anyone else who used them frequently. it is poor customer service & must be a bit of a kick in the teeth to those who thought they had a good working relationship with DG


However, my only contact with the company consisted of a single phone call when i called to ask them about the headlight loom & tidy box they started to produce......i was greeted with a very abrupt, completely disinterested & grumpy 'we dont do them'


suffice to say i never bothered to call them again when i wanted all my engine work done on the VR even though they were closer in distance than stealth

Edited by g0ldf1ng3r

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Again I'm not going to resort to saying it's "terrible" - sometimes getting on with your life just has to take priority and we have no idea what's happened. It'd just be good to know what's going on, that's all.

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Again I'm not going to resort to saying it's "terrible" - sometimes getting on with your life just has to take priority and we have no idea what's happened. It'd just be good to know what's going on, that's all.


agree Jim


apologies also for my wording, poor not terrible is more applicable & has been edited accordingly


i am also a believer that life should take priority over work & DG may have a good reason for whats happening.


i hope for those of who had a good rapport with DG there is some light shed soon

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A shame, only got to use DG once, was planning to continue using them. I found Graham to be one of the best garages I've ever used (not been to stealth yet).


Hate taking my car to the local place, they just want it in and out, not interested in cars where you need to find parts.


I can understand moving on if the moneys no good and your not enjoying it. It looks as though thats whats happened, at least in the short term.




his facebook page appears to be gone as well? I'm sure he used to upload photo's of the cars he had in at one stage

Edited by Erallus

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