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New (to me) air intake idea

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I am putting the car back together slowly and, where I have a wing vent, I would like to make this functional as opposed to just a fashion feature.


My initial Idea was to go down the route of BMC CDA and turn the inlet hose through 90 and punch it through the inner wing so making the outer wing an inlet plenum. - the only issue i could see with this was the possibility of water ingress to the filter as the pickup would end up very close to the opening to atmosphere.


My second idea is to use the stock air box, blank off the existing intake end but to come sideways out from the box and through the inner wing into the void between the wings. This separation from the vent itself I'm hoping will prevent water making it into the filter and also allow a large pickup of cold air into the box.


What are peoples thoughts and ideas?

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