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G60 Oil light and Buzzer **Weird fault**

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Hi guys,


My G60 Rado has the strangest fault out of any car I have owned. Basically, the oil buzzer and the light come on when I am in certain gears, at certain revs doing a certain speed... and it only does this when it's warm... For example, I'll be on the motor way cruising at (70mpg :p) and then I will hit a 50 zone (good for fuel saving I guess!) I'll slow to 50, after about 3-5 seconds the buzzer will go off (doing 50 in 5th). I can put my goot back down and as soon as I get near to 55mph the buzzer stops. After a few tests I did, it happends at 40 in 4th, 30 in 3rd and 20 in 2nd. Only way it will stop is if I drop the clutch and rev the car.


It's had all new oil sensors twice now so that can't be the problem... would you guys suggest that it's faulty wiring??


The car drives fine, doesn't smoke or use oil etc, and the oil temp is always where it's supposed to be as well - it's just annoying haha!


Any advice would be sweet

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Not weird that one mate. There are 2 oil pressure sensors, one high, and one low. Obviously as revs drop the oil pressure drops.


Cant remember off the top of my head which colour the low pressure one is, but if you google it, it'll probably come up.

My bet would be on the sensor as they are relatively common failures, but worse case it could be oil pump.


Edit: doh, didnt read it properly!!!


Possibly wiring then, or worst case as said, oil pump. Definitely worth looking at the spade connectors and re-terminating them as that is also a problem area mate.

Edited by seanl82

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Thanks mate, it's not on the road at moment as I took it off in Feb to do a few jobs... Haven't had chance to look at it. As far as I know the sensors are correct. I'll give the connectors a clean, and go see me electrician mate about the wiring. Hope it aint the pump! Haha

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Nice one buddy. I'll jiggle the wires and scrub the contacts see if that helps. Only happens at the speeds and revs stated, all the rest of the time it's fine lol

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I see your probably not to far from me, so if you need a looking at it let me know.


Cool man thanks! Yeah I'm in Leeds mate, will dust the old girl off over the next few weeks (we're supposed to have a "heat wave" soon ha!) and if it gets annoying, I'll be in touch :)

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