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Oil in spark plug

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Just got the new car, 1.8 16v, and serviced her. When pulling the old spark plugs the 3rd one had quite a bit of wet oil. Before I star exploring I thought it best to check with the experts. I was going to start with a compression test and take it from there... Any help would be great.

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I wouldnt worry too much mate, its most likely just the cam cover gasket leaking. The KR gasket comes in 2 parts. 1 for the outer edge of the head, and a smaller one that goes around the plug recesses. Its this one that leaks and allows oil into the plug chambers. Quick cheap and easy fix!

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Thanks for that Sean! Have a head set of gaskets in the post, so I'm guessing the rocker cover ones will come in the pack. Was preparing for a head gasket job...

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