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Only just seen the news whilst having lunch, and looks like some people have been hit hard again by winter flooding.


I know there are people on here in the Cumbria area, and I'm sure there are others in southern Scotland/Ireland etc so I hope you're all OK out there and not too badly affected.

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Indeed. A pretty horrendous state of affairs up that way :( Hope no one on here has been affected.

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My Mrs cousin came down from the Lake District for the weekend , she is struggling to get home atm .Her local FB page is saying no roads in are passable .

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Not flooded,


Well sort of, the living room is!


Should have known better than to buy a house with a flat roof/balcony!


Woke up on Saturday morning to find part of the ceiling down and water pish1ng everywhere.


House took a pounding with the wind over the weekend, so I think it has forced water in that wouldn't normally have gotten in.


Still nothing compared to the folks on the news, must be horrific coming back to your home in that state.



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Not flooded,


Well sort of, the living room is!


Should have known better than to buy a house with a flat roof/balcony!


Woke up on Saturday morning to find part of the ceiling down and water pish1ng everywhere.


House took a pounding with the wind over the weekend, so I think it has forced water in that wouldn't normally have gotten in.


Still nothing compared to the folks on the news, must be horrific coming back to your home in that state.




ouch - hope you get it sorted ok dougie


I recall being in france in 2014 when the tempest hit - my word I have never experienced a storm like it. wind so harsh it was driving the rain in under the windows & so fierce it dented huge metal silo's at a farm down the road

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Thanks Goldfinger,


To be fair the house was bought for renovation anyway, but the room that's been affected was the room we were going to decant to while the central heating and steel beams were being installed (Wednesday!) Sods law I suppose.


Yes something quite scary about being at the top of a head of a valley being battered by winds, could feel the big picture window/balcony door flexing right next to me while trying to sleep!



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Bad times Dougie, hope you get it sorted quickly. At least if bought for renovation you're hopefully not too attached to the décor?


Here we're relatively used to the high winds being on the edge of the Fens but no real experience of any flooding. Feel terrible for all caught up in it, and can't help but think that the government are going to be under pressure again to sort flood defences.... although that said I don't think there is a credible plan being brought in anywhere in the country to tackle this.

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