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G60 Pulley Part Numbers

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Hi All,

Can anyone shed some light on the correct G60 Pulley Part no.s?

Taken mine off to refurb and couldn't remember which way round they went (cam/intermediate); Checked the part numbers on Etka and it shows 049 109 111C for both, I have one of these but also 1no 037 109 111?



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If you look at both pulleys I suspect the 049 109 111C one has a single dot on one tooth on the side for timing purposes - that is the intermediate shaft one.


The 037 109 111 should have 2 dots on one side and a line on the other, that's for the camshaft.


As for why ETKA now displays the same part number for both, they are interchangeable in terms of number of teeth, dimensions etc but if you bought a new camshaft one it would lack the 'proper' G60 timing marks.

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