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Door mirror motors

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Hi All

Does anyone know if the mirror motors can be changed without too much hassle.

My mirror bodies are good but the motors I think are U/S after a long time left standing.

Can I buy some working mirrors and swap the motors.

Thanks for any help

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Dazz, if i didn't throw them out already, i've Got a few busted mirrors i could get the motors off, if only you'd have mentioned it before, id have put them in with the headlamp..!

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You have more parts there than I expected And.

Only just started looking into this as another of the faults the car has that I forgot about.

Have you ever changed the motors M8

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Not worth the hassle of just changing the motors by themselves Darren, Just carefully pull off the mirror glass and unscrew the entire mechanism from the mirror holder. If not, buy a can of contact cleaner or use WD40 and drown the entire unit, it should work.

Are you getting 12v+ to the motors? could also be the mirror switch or its wiring connection at fault, mine did it a few times whilst hibernating for 7 years..

Let me know how you get on.

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Think the mechanism was what I actually meant Andy.

Will try your advise over the weekend and see how I get on.

I have a set of mirrors coming from Chris fuzzer if I fail so as long as the mechanisms are not too much trouble to change that will be the way I go.

And Andy its Dazz not Darren only my Mum calls Me Darren LoL

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I have been taking my mirrors to bits a lot recently to paint them and also try and fix the internal mountings as i was getting an annoying wind wistle.


IIRC, the motor pack and wire are held in with 4 screws to the internal alloy bit - but I could look later


I was having fun using a g cramp to de-compress the spring loaded bit with fresh paint!!

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Rado_tdi (name ?)

Is there any way of getting the connectors out of the rear of the mirror mech or would you have to cut the wires ?

I tried putting power to mine today and it moved left and right but not up and down it just clicked ?

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