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Hello folks,


I figure saying a few words would be at least i could do, so here goes...


I bought a us spec Corrado vr6 9 years ago, got rid fo some glitches and parked it in a small garage. Eventually, an oportunity came up to swap my really poor 2.8 liter for a 2.9 liter, so i went for it, and got the car a new paintjob while i was at it. Little did i know, that this swap will be the root of all my problems:) Long story short, I got ripped off by 2 mechanics, and finally decided that I won't let anybody touch my car again, so I am dealing with bad jobs of "pros's" on my own, with occasional help from a friend.


I might need to mention I made my life miserable by doing a passat 92 climatronic swap, which is still in progress, as my fans won't work, no matter what i do.




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Hi! I believe there was a thread here about a climatronic swap-out.... sure it's still around somewhere........

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Thanks for the heads up!


I am trying to find the search bar, but with no success:) I have found a topic regarding the cooling fan issues, but i still don't have any idea if the fan operation is somehow controlled via climatronic (i have changed the entire inner harness, so the inside unit works like a charm, but left the original one in the engine bay - if the harness is not the same, i am going to have to swap the bay one aswell...). When i figure this out, it will be a lot easier.


I am planing to start a new topic regarding the mater of my car though, if i cannot find any previous ones, plus, maybe someone someday will find it usefull...

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welcome Luka


sorry to hear of your woes caused by poor mechanics, i tend to only trust my 2 rado's to the mechanic who has worked on my cars for about 25 years


have a look at this for your climatronic http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?83431-MK4-Climatronic-AC-conversion-what-parts-needed&highlight=climatronic


now your VR has a proper 2.9 lump you have a true corrado VR6 ;) LOL

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Welcome avokado


Sorry to hear about your troubles. It's a ****ty situation that hopefully won't taint the joy for to long

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Thanks for the simpathies...


Now that my corrado has his own personal space (the garage), this troubles are only some minor set backs, which I am going to have fun with. You don't expect to buy a corrado and everything works, do you?:)

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Can you guys help me with making a new topic about wiring diagrams?


Is it ok make a new topic in the "engine bay"?


I need help getting the proper wiring diagrams for the passat climatronic, as i can't find in anywhere...

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Thanks for the simpathies...


Now that my corrado has his own personal space (the garage), this troubles are only some minor set backs, which I am going to have fun with. You don't expect to buy a corrado and everything works, do you?:)


Having a fully working corrado would be no fun at all, surely? :scratch::lol:


Glad to see it hasn't taken the shine off ownership! Everyone loves a corrado, the admiration and jealousy you receive will make it all worth it!


I hope you get much enjoyment! I am off to my garage to make some Brum Bruuuuum noises in mine while I dry click through the gear box.

Hopefully no one will see me:thumb right:

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Actually, it's not a problem that something isn't working (after all, it's a 25 year old car), it's the reason it ins't working that bothers me.


Some people just shouldn't be aloud to mess with cars... At least I check before doing something stupid, instead of f***ing things up and victoriously bang my chest like a baboon:)

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