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VR6 getting my feet wet...

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Please forgive the intrusion from golf vr6 cousin, but please may I ask your advice -


I have read the water leaking thread but can't dind anyone who is creatimg mini-pool in footwell.


This weekend the paasanger footwell was soaking wet. Water temp fine at 90, oil temp normal at 90-100. Only clue is maybe a tiny tiny bit of "pink stuff" on "round thing" :wink: with water sign on it, but it is still on max line.


( ok ok- girl unfamiliar with engine.. :oops: )


I thought if it was the heater matrix I would have increased oil or water temp?

At least coolant levels would be decreased- but it is full. And the water is odourless and colourless.


I would be very grateful if anyone has experiance of what this could be.



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You'd know if the heater matrix went south because the windscreen would mist up! Welcome to the forum by the way :wink:


Have you tried asking at http://www.vr6golf.co.uk aswell? Although the MK3 and Corrado share many components, there are some minor differences in the mechanicals etc. I've not actually known a MK3 to lunch a heater matrix to be honest, it was mainly the MK2 that had a penchant for destroying those.


The usual areas for leaks though, are drain channels in the scuttle area (remove all leaves, twigs, crisp packets etc), sunroof drain channels and door membranes (fitted uprated speakers recently?).

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Yep- am resident vr6golf membe rbut noone has come across it... :roll:


Thank you- I shall go check channels...



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If the door seals are anything like the Corrados, do you park facing slighllty downhill at all? On mine if i parked facing downhill, so that the forward lower corner of the door aperture was the lowest point, water would track across the door seal outer across to the interior side and run down to pool in the footwell (did that description make any sense at all!) Put a small slit in the outer edge of the seal corner, solved it.

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I Do part tilted downwards ( I knew what you meant!)

But is has been hottest weekend of the year :( . Another fourm non- vw related suggests the air con pipe is blocked. Does that sound feasable?



Wet Wasp

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Can't help over the aircon possibility, never had air-con! If it's not coming from an external source, then it must be system related, and in that case I would double check there are no leaks from under the dashboard area. Once the carpet is dried, might be worth laying some paper across under the dashboard area overnight to see if there's any drips on to it overnight?

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You should also check the grommets in the bulk head. If you look under the bonnet you'll see that, anywhere there's a cable going from the engine bay into the car itself there should be via a black (round) rubber grommet. Sometimes these grommets come loose which allows water to enter the footwells.


I know its been hot recently however most areas have had some rain during the nights. Its definetly worth checking these


Good luck...

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Ah yeah it could be air-con related, I should have guessed as your's is a Highline.


The condenser overflow pipe might have a split in it allowing it to leak in the car but I'm not sure how it's setup in the Golf.


Does the water smell foisty? Is the water sticky when you rub it between your fingers? Could be coolant if the latter and condenser water if the former.


Hmmmm......tricky one.


I was going to say too that it's been dry recently so it's looking like the leak is coming from inside the car, and that can mean only 1 of two things.....Air con or heater matrix :cry:


I hope not......

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Fluid is clear and odourless, i was told that if it was heater matrix I would be seeing increase in oil temp and coolant decrease- which there isn;t.


I guess I have the first vr6 indoor swimming pool. :cry:


Thank you for the replies


Now I can go back to lurking :wink:


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If the water is clear and odourless, it's probably rain water. So you can breathe a sigh of relief it's not the blasted Heater Matrix, and yeah you would suffer a big coolant loss and overheating if that was leaking.


Back to square one with the leak tracing I'm afraid. Sit in the car and get your other half to soak the car with a hose and look for and listen out for any dripping. That usual works.


If not that, it's gotta be the aircon!

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Furthur to my wet feet thread of passager leak in footwell, I have found the hole! But don't have a clue WHAT it is- any ideas>


I know I'm not a Corrado,but you knowledageable chaps may have a clue if don't mind -


In the footwell on the far back panel opposite the passanger chair, In top right hand corner before bottom of dash starts, there is a cut hole with a pipe running through.

This pipe comes from the inside going to the outside engine space.

When I press that pipe, or the seal around it, water comes out.

Please don’t let that be anything to do with the heater matrix.


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Yep, same thing happened to me a while back, I parked the other way up my road to the usualy altho I had parked that way before and since in the rain but only that one time did the passenger footwell get absolutly soaked anmd it took about 3 days to dry completly... I too thought it was the matrix but has been fine since, i cleared the drain channels but they didn't seem blocked :roll:

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Curiouser and cuiriouser...


darinage channels are clear, it is Pis*ing with rain and no leak- unless I stick my finger in this hole :roll:


have decided to embrace the problem rather than get upset now as I don't have a clue-


( and I don't trust VW to charge a fortune to look and still get it wrong :x )


Have decided to aquire pet duck in the event of new wetness -hopefully 'tis one off like supercharged.


Thank you all!


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Before you go....any comment on the 'Off Topic' section thread titled 'WASP NEST - remove or not?' :lol:

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8) I had the same problem on my G60. It turened out to be a badley fitted replacement windscreen. Hope this helps.

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