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Which hoses

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Hi Guys, I have had two hoses go in the last two week that makes a total of 3 since i have had VR6 (93). :cry: I think it is time the replace the whole lot in one go instead of keeping the dust down on the M27 with a constant trickle of antifreeze!!!! :mad:


What is best to go for'

A full set of VAG hoses for £230

Or a set of Samco hoses for £225 - P&P ( From what I have read this set is missing a couple of hoses which i could want to buy anyway)


What are your thoughts





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I think standard hoses are fine and some people have found the samcos to be a poor fit. If they can last over 100k they can't be bad. I think it's the 2 oil cooler coolant hoses don't come with the samco kit which would cost about £15 from VW.

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yeah that is pritty much what i thought. I am not really interested in the bling factor :lol:

Cheers for the quick reply corradovr6sc



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I went with all new VAG water hoses on my G60 purely for the fact that they fit properly and they'd been on there for the best part of 200,000 miles anyway, so why do I need to "upgrade" to silicone?!? I've upgraded the BOOST hoses to silicone now after I burst a rubber one though... ;)

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Will be ordering the VAG ones in an hour or 2. How many hoses should there be in total?

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My top rad samco has failed!! 12month use and thats on a new MASSIVE rad and my water temp is always low considering im in spain

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If buying samcos, use the OEM clamps.. period.. otherwise you will crush every darn plastic flange in an attempt to get them to seal. You must also use thermotec tape.. or something like it in areas where hoses can or may rub. Road dirt/sand between the silicone hoses acts like sandpaper and will cut right through them. The fitment is shoddy at best. I used to suggest them/use them.. now I'd say grab the OEM hoses and be done.



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yellowsic said

otherwise you will crush every darn plastic flange in an attempt to get them to seal


Yes. Fitting the Samcos, my garage broke the plastic heater matrix pipe and had to get me a new matrix. It was 9 years old/97k miles so not to peeved to have to replace it at cost price. Hoses are holding OK so far with Halfords hose clips (Quinton/Hazl?)

Had to wait 9 weeks for delivery of hoses. 2 oil cooler hoses not supplied. Two hoses of 7 in set left over. Even VW dealership mechanic did not know where they went - he even phoned me up from the workshop to ask me!

I found out on this forum that they went in PCV area and to ISV. Did not use PCV one as it dispenses with 2 components the original hose had. Samco did not phone back as promised when I left a query with them. IMO, Customer care 0 out of 5!

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