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Son of a Beesting

Boot Installs

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I was just wondering how everyone has got past the problems with the corrado boot space and the lop sided spare tire in relation to sub enclosures.


I am looking to get a 12 Inch sub in the boot of my Corrado. I dont have a great deal of cash to spend and Im not very good with the whole design aspect of enclosures.I still need access to my spare tire and I dont want anything to "out there" looking. Something nice and classy that fits in with the rest of the car (not a lot then!). Any ideas would really help me. Has anyone sound-deadened their car also? Worth doing? What you use?


Pictures of peoples sub enclosures would be very nice if anyone has any. :D



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I know quite a lot of people are running Infinity Basslink powered subs, which fit nicely between the edge of the boot and the raised bit for the spare. Other people replaced the spare with a sub and amp instead. I'm no expert, but it's a start :)

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false floor has to be the best way to go for the sub and you can hide all the cables (and you dont really have to get rid of the spare)

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I thought the boot was bigger than it actually is, and now have realised that if I want my install to look nice (rather than just be a big box) I have to run my subs in a sealed enclosure :( Hopefully once I get my second sub, then I'll have a nice install to show off on here... but it will be kinda 'out there' but hopefully not in a bad way. :)

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Here's mine.....


Sub comes out in seconds thanks to a Neutrik connector. Amp folds forward with the seat and I can still get the spare out.


Completely practical + good sound.


I sound proofed mine (both front doors) and entire boot floor/arches with a mixture of B&Q roof flashing (self adhesive bitumen rolls) and 5mm thick neoprene sheets. It's extremely quiet :lol:

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Thanks for the replies everyone. It nice to see there are a few people out there who still like things to understated and the not the whole neons and bright colours route. :lol:


Are these your own one off work or can you get pre-built ones? Im not adverse to building my own its just the whole thing about getting the right volume of the enclosure that gets me a bit worried!

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if you make it too small you can stuff it with loft insulation to make it think its bigger :)


if too big then pad it out with some mdf inside :)


there is always a way ;)

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Audioscape made my box specific to my requirements, i.e tucked up in the corner and butted up agains the seat and high enough to use the shelf as support to stop it falling over during my silly cornering speeds.


It was made on a CNC machine and they have the proper CAD and thiele small parameters software. I wanted a 12" but it the box would have been massive as I prefer ported depth over sealed punch. As luck would have it, the SEAS 10" has plenty of both anyway and can handle an obscene amount of power. Proper RMS current, not Bullsh#t Kenwood PMPO figures.


You'll find few people on here are into neons and ricey installs. Function over form :wink:

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I like both but prefer ported overall. 1 driven, and 2 passive drivers even better :wink:


Might experiment with a sealed enclosure next year. My ported box is spot on volume wise, I made sure of that! Otherwise you get a silly boom at one frequency range and bugger all elsewhere!

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The sheer volume of air moved by a 15 helps though! A sealed 10 has more work to do!


Most subs sound good when the car is stationary, it's when on the move that sheer amplification grunt and cone excursion are important :wink: And a lot of small subs can't overcome the 40hz rumble cars introduce at speed.

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Didnt mean to offend anyone with the whole neon thing! Dont wanna make enemies in my first few weeks of being on the forum! :oops:


So 12" going to be to big for the boot, thought it might be. I would prefer sealed. If I got a sealed 12" enclosure wouldnt that be about the same as a 10" ported? Cant be that much in it? Or am I really showing my ignorance with this?? :?


Not wishing to sound rude and if you dont wanna answer you dont have to but what was the rough price for auto acoustics charge for a csutom build, they are not cheap at the best of times but quality is spot on!!!

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None taken, just trying to impress that we aren't into that sort of Chaviness on here :wink:


You can certainly get a sealed 12 in, just depends what enclosure size the speaker manufacturer specifies but most 12" sealed enclosures are around 1 cubic foot. My ported 10" enclosure is 37 litres, which is quite big but it fits in OK.


Not sure about Autoacoustics but my ported 10" enclosure from Audioscape cost £50 including the perspex cover, carpet and Neutrik quick release connector. I've known Audiscape since 1993 and they are pretty much the best. They focus on sound quality rather than "Street bass", which is good to see.


My 10" driver cost £280, the front components were £360. All made by SEAS.


If you want the best sound quality possible, it's going to cost you dearly. But if you want a reasonable sound with plenty of volume, there are far cheaper options out there.

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Wow £50 for all that is amazing value, Paulo VR6 is right, get charged between £30-£40 for an off the shelf number. Might have to take some measurements and give Auto Acoustics a call see what they can do.


I would like to go for the real nice stuff, much more into sound quality rather than just boom-boom. But my money situation is not a friend at the mo, want to upgrade front with components when get more cash. As I only got my C last monday and its going for a charger re-build next week and all the little stone chips that C's seem to build up and the many other little (but annoying) things need doing. Need to spread my cash out. But I want to go for the best install I can afford.


Hopefully by the time the summer comes round I can make it to some shows and feel proud of my little C! :D

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