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Speed Camera

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If you've been caught speeding by a speed camera, how long does it take to come through :(


Might have been caught by one of those sneaky f*(kers in the white vans :cry:


I'm kind of hoping my number plate is too small for them to have caught me..... but I just don't think I'm that lucky :roll:

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NIP has to be to you within 14days of offence......HOWEVER.......a mate of mine had one 26 days after the offence and another solicitor mate advised him to take it on the chin as it seemingl was still legal upto 28 days after the offence

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NIP has to be to you within 14days of offence......HOWEVER.......a mate of mine had one 26 days after the offence and another solicitor mate advised him to take it on the chin as it seemingl was still legal upto 28 days after the offence


The only caveat to the 14 day rule I know is if the driver wasn't the registered keeper (i.e. company car, hire car etc.)


....assuming driver is registered keeper and all details are up to date (as far as I know) the 14 day rule is still a given ;)


...thinking about it, you have 28 days in which to reply to the NIP, maybe that's where the 'solicitor' got confuzzed...



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The Notice of Intended Prosecution (or NIP)




This means they are going to prosecute you for the offence and it can take two forms:

A written NIP (e.g. if you get a ticket from a speed camera);


Verbal NIP.


Most Constabularies send them out within 14 days of the alleged offence - even if you were spoken to at the time by a police officer (see verbal NIP). The law has been amended in 1994 to allow the police to use ordinary post and their records are sufficient to prove that the NIP was issued on time. They also get an allowance of a couple of days for the post to deliver them.


So, if its more than 17 days since you were flashed they are too late to prosecute you, unless you were driving a company car, hire car or someone else's car. In these circumstances they are allowed more time to track you down. This letter from Staffordshire Constabulary will help you to understand this point.


If the police failed to meet the 14 day deadline, for issuing the initial NIP to the Registered Keeper, this link, which includes advice provided by the RAC's legal team, may help you.


This link explains the legal position regarding inaccurate NIPs.


The Police have six months to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) because they are exempt from the 14 day rule and if you were stopped, and spoken to by a police officer, they also have six months to prosecute you because the officer will have issued you with a verbal NIP at the time.


There are two separate offences under the law:


Not providing the name of the driver ( this is covered under Section 172 of the Road Traffic Act);




If you receive a written NIP through the post, and you were not spoken to at the time of the alleged offence, you can only be prosecuted for NOT informing the authorities who was driving your vehicle, and doing so exonerates you from any prosecution - assuming that it wasn't you who was driving, of course!


You can NOT be prosecuted for speeding if you were not driving the vehicle but some Constabularies try to bully the registered keeper into accepting liability for the offence. However, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution, so if you were not driving, or honestly can't remember who the driver was, you should "stick to your guns". Write and ask the police to provide you with a copy of the evidence - explain that you "need it to identify the driver". The law states that they must provide you with a copy of the evidence, but if you experience any difficulties our Disclosure page will help you.


If the vehicle was flashed by a Gatso camera they will have two photographs of the rear of the vehicle, so how can they prove who was driving, if the driver doesn't incriminate them self? However, you will be in much more trouble than for a speeding offence, if you say that you were not the driver and they can prove that you were! Take a look at the photographic evidence in our Case File 7, and if they treat you any differently to the citizen involved in this case reported on the BBC News site politely remind them that every one must be treated equally under the provisions of the new Human Rights Act introduced to implement the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).


for more info look at http://www.pepipoo.com/

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NIP has to be to you within 14days of offence......HOWEVER.......a mate of mine had one 26 days after the offence and another solicitor mate advised him to take it on the chin as it seemingl was still legal upto 28 days after the offence


The only caveat to the 14 day rule I know is if the driver wasn't the registered keeper (i.e. company car, hire car etc.)






forgot to mention it was a hire car :wink:

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I missed out on a rather large fine as they didn't get back to me within 6 months after I had posted back the form saying "Guilty m'lud".


Infact, they never got back to me at all, I put this down to me removing lots of little red stickers they had stuck either side of: my name, cars reg, speed, location. I just thought, red is never a good thing, and peeled them off, and they never contacted me again :D

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stickers? What are they all about then? Really reason :wink:


dunno, small circlular stickers on the top right corner of the form, and either side of my name, speed, car reg and location, dunno what they are for, but they seemed to confuse the busies when they weren't there ;)

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my friends dad is a paper work copper (too fat to go on patrol :lol: )


He told me that they get so many people replying saying they were the driver at the time that they dont bother following up those who say they werent the driver....


might work in your case if the letter comes through?

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my friends dad is a paper work copper (too fat to go on patrol :lol: )


He told me that they get so many people replying saying they were the driver at the time that they dont bother following up those who say they werent the driver....


might work in your case if the letter comes through?

Unfortunately I don't know anyone who wants to take the blame. If I said it was someone else, and they ask who and I don't know it will only get worse :roll:

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my friends dad is a paper work copper (too fat to go on patrol :lol: )


He told me that they get so many people replying saying they were the driver at the time that they dont bother following up those who say they werent the driver....


might work in your case if the letter comes through?

Unfortunately I don't know anyone who wants to take the blame. If I said it was someone else, and they ask who and I don't know it will only get worse :roll:


get Jedi to, he sounded keen ;)

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lol...i have some of my own thanks


No...what he said was those ones that come back saying 'i wasnt the driver' but that dont have the other drivers name filled in...they just leave...


..if they do come back to you then you can always just say...'oh..i remember now..it was me..' and no harm done...but if they dont come back....problem solved.


..i only found this out after i filled mine in but if i get another (god forbid) then i will try this method

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ahhh, sounds like a good method, and maybe more reliable than the "sticker peeling" method, although that has a 100% success rate atm :D

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you could say the car was up for sale and someone came to test drive when it got flashed. but he didnt leave his name (or a fake name) so you have no idea who was driving 8)


surely that would work :)

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if its a white van camera then they are usually read facing cameras, so it takes a picture of the front of the car, hense you'll be gripped.


you could try the 'evil twin brother' story?


or try and sell the points on Ebay, I bet you'll get a crazy price for them :D

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:( guess I just have to play the wating game now.


Hope my number plate is too small to be clear. I slowed down from just under a ton to about 65 in about 2 seconds. Supprised the wheels didn't lock up!


As long as it's not 6 points it's not so bad

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number plate will be visable i'm afraid, they are pretty good cameras nowadays :(


if you can pick peoples faces out in pitch black night time then you can read a plate

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G60Dan, revolving numberplates are sooo passe... build a load of infra-red LEDs into the numberplate surround which are powered when the ignition is on... Digital/night cameras won't be able to see the plate then, and it's not illegal (I know, 'cos I was going to set up a company selling these and so looked into the legalities of it) 'cos they're still readable by the human eye... ;)


You'll need to do both front and back though, but it'll stop all but Gatso style cameras which have a film in them... 8) :lol:

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