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Posts posted by Will.I.Dub

  1. A little routine rust stopping action:



















  2. Every car will be different i normaly leave mine running for 10 minutes before driving , its warmed up then and the oil has rached the tappets . Normal temp is around 75 degrees .



    I usually do the same although manufacturers state you should drive off as soon as engine started due to slower warm up hence more wear if sitting at idle!

  3. so you got your taste for car modifying from the austin allegro! :) you don't hear that often!

    It's a right of passage though I reckon, messing with your first cars, I've lost wheel bolts from leaving them loose, bent valves from messing with cam belts, electrocuted myself with the HT circuit and nearly passed out from syphoning petrol (from my own car BTW!) I've not set fire to anything though...yet.


    Yes indeed, nothing quite like having a wheel come off while cruising along. In my early motoring days I had two, one passed me out, the other was in my hands and was almost out the open window!!

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