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Everything posted by Toby

  1. I'm in - depending on dates...
  2. Toby

    Air Fuel Ratio Meter

    http://sam.bytebandits.com/radotutorial/DSC00040.JPG I tapped it here on the bulk head behind the IM near the Brake MC (as Mkrad - VWVortex) and it works fine. Get a good ground though otherwise the gauge will do funny things when different consumers are operating (I ran one all the way to the battery in the end to be sure).
  3. Toby

    G Lader Tutorial

    Check this vid out for a 'how the G Lader works' and 'boost checking'. http://www.redrado.net/movies/GCharger.wmv
  4. Bilal, Keep me posted on that catch can please. I've been trying to find a good (yet inexpesive) one... Toby
  5. Toby

    gear box

    CCM ratios are used in the Golf VR6. It bascially involves getting a donor box and swapping most of the gearbox internals. I got a local gearbox firm to do it for me.
  6. Toby

    Lubricating Charger

    Darren, Back to LowG's question. How often, what exactly do you use and where do you get it from please (found rocoil.com - which one ????)
  7. I have seen 18 or 19psi a few times when giving it some really big licks!!! But generally I see 15ish on spirited driving.....
  8. Toby

    gear box

    Reconditioning or adjusting won't change the ratios you have. I swapped into my G60, CCM ratios from a Golf VR6 when I had the box rebuilt. CCM is longer in every gear.
  9. I'll try and be there then to keep you company !!! ...
  10. I have removed the boost recirc pipe for various reasons, but what's the school of thought on lubricating the charger through the intake due to no longer putting oil vapours through it? I have heard that I should maybe squirt some PTFE spray in there ??? Is that a good/bad idea... (where could I get some?) Cheers Toby G60
  11. Toby


    Don't just rebore one! You need to do the lot and get four new pistons, rings, gudgeon pins, big end bearings & bolts (and maybe little ends too). Like Andi said, keep looking on the garage front... or if you can't do it yourself, perhaps use a mate that knows cars and attack it together (except the engineering bit) - It's not a totally impossible job for the home mechanic!!!.....
  12. Toby

    G60 Service

    Nothing but the standard Bosch W6DPO for the G60 - Euro Car Parts are the cheapest I've found. (NGK's - VR6)
  13. Toby


    Regarding the rebore - double check, because I thought that with mine, but it seems the bores on our engines are quite resilient. HAving checked the tolerances I got away with a hone, as things weren't too bad (compression is perfectly OK now too), but you may have done a bit more damage than i did. Rough prices - stnd spec and size pistons over here £400?, head gasket set £50?, stretch bolts £20?, big ends & bolts £50?, rebore £100? plus all the sundries and a fair bit of labour ... £1000 is a fairish estimate. (TSR are pretty competitive on parts) If you do need a rebore you may want to overbore to 1.9L and use 9:1 comp ratio JE's. A lot of the guys on G60 forum on VWVortex.com seem to have gone down this road.... Either way, if you do go for forged pistons, speak to Rodney at JRC Motorsports in the USA, good prices & very helpful. My standard spec & size JE's were about $500... watch out for the VAT when you import them though - or a find a way round it..??? Hope this helps.....
  14. Toby


    The same happened to me. I melted #2, and #1 was on the way. £500 sounds cheap, but then if they're just replacing one piston.... I put in a full set of JE Forged pistons imported from the US as it was not a lot more than a stnd set over here and it seemed like a good idea! If you're replacing the oil pump, the 2.0 8v is a straight swap and pumps a bit more round. As for why it happened - I haven't narrowed mine down to one thing, but a combination of a few possibilities. Stick with SNS and get an Air Fuel ratio gauge and see how things look when it's all back together. You may then need to look at injectors/their wiring harness, timing, plugs etc. etc.....
  15. I've heard this is the thing to do, is it ? Is it a straight swap - just the mount, or are other bits needed (Etka shows a bearing with the VR6 mount, but not the G60?) I know it will apparently lift the front end up by about 10 mm - that will be a good thing !! Cheers Toby
  16. What are G60 owners running and what are your experiences? :?: Plugs Apparently Bosch W6DPO are standard (platinum triple) ~ £9 ea Motorfactors want to sell me NGK BP6ET (non platinum triple) ~ £3 ea NGK list these or BPR6EVX (platinum single) £? However, also available are Beru W6DPO (Platinum? Triple?) ~ £6ea I'm inclined to give these a go...? Leads I remember hearing something about the correct (VW) leads all being equal length rather than aftermarket ones where #1 is longer than #2... Thoughts ? Cheers Toby
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