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Everything posted by avokado

  1. avokado

    Air - con

    Hi, i need some ac related help. My 1992 vr6 had ac built in, but the front part was gone when i bought it. When i did the paintjob i swaped the climabox with the 92 passat vr6 climatronic version. Can i put the front part (hosing, compressor, cooler) from a corrado, or must i modify the passat hoeses in order for the ac to work properly? Thanks for the help, Luka
  2. Found the problem - somebody hackeled the relay for the lights, and used the fan power supply...
  3. Can somebody please verify that the red wire from the thermo sensor goes directly to the fusebox yellow connecto A1/pin5? Is there some other possible option to get 12V on the thermoswitch? Thanks!
  4. Seems like i can't get 12v to the coolant sensor. I did some digging and found out it is connected to the fuse box inside the car. As it is a total caos in there (full option car), can anybody give me some pointers, where i should check first? Fuses seem ok, but other than that, i am lost... Thanks fot he help!
  5. Hello, i was wondering, is there a thread where people could post pictures of miscelaneous parts of a corrado, so the members whould help them identify them and explain the function ? Search didn't find any... Cheers, Luka
  6. Update: Checked the wiring from a to b, everything looks fine. But i still can get power, so i blame it on the FCM. Is there any way of testing the FCM, before i spend 200 on a new one? (I know there are chinese ones for 20, but i am not willing to risk it...) Cheers
  7. Actually, as i have checked, the corrado and the passat have the same number FCM (1992 year). But there are several versions of the 4pin + 8 pin FCM. Trial and error maybe?:bonk: edit: Some research pointed out that the 4+8 pin FCM is only one version, later models have different wiring with 4+10 pin FCM (3 different FCM's). VW made an 8 pin to 10 pin adapter for FCM upgrade, but unfortunately it is not availabe anymore. Anyways, the difference is in the wiring (and the later model functionality), supposebly not related to AC. Please correct me if I am wrong, otherwise, hopefully somebody else will find it usefull.
  8. Hi there, can anybody tell me how can i check which fcm should be in my car? I suspect i have fcm problems, so i decided to replace it, just to be sure, as i cannot test it to see if it is bad. I have a 1992 vr6 with aircon (inside climatronic swap, engine bay stock vr6 AC harness). I am affraid that some previous owner might have swaped it for the wrong one... Should i just check if i have the 8 or the 10 pin connector and buy accordingly? Is it a year/model difference for the 8/10 pin connector on the module? Thank you for the help!
  9. Why change it if it's working? For now, it has been ruled out as faulty... Anyways, a messed around with a multimeter yesterday, and i have ground bot no 12V anywhere on the wiring. Could i have bad FCM? Should be good, but as there is no way to test it outside the car, is it best to just buy a new one and se what happens?
  10. Well, i suspect the guy is selling ross tech rip off cables, with software (says it is fully operational). So the cheap ones just tell the error code, and then you google it? So for a "weekend warrior" might be ok, until i buy the real thing? Thanks for the usefull info!
  11. fla, i have bridged the coolant temperature sensor in the radiator, nothing happens. Direct 12v starts fan... The fuse on the FCM is ok, got 12v on the FCM. What is next?
  12. Thanks for the help Jim, much appreciated, but i live across europe from you:smug: Actually, i found a local guy selling vag com 17.1.3 cable with software, which looks identical to ross tech one, for about 50 EUR (let's say 40 quid). It's supposed to be great, offers money back guarantee aswell. Just need to buy the obd1 adapter from some shop. I know eventually I am going to buy a ross tech (if they ship to other parts of the world), i would just like to check if the obd port actually works...
  13. Hi there, any of you have experience from ebay vag com adapters with software? I have a sneaky feeling I am going to need it quite a lot, and i figure i am better off buying one... Thanks!
  14. Yup, i have bridged the coolant temp sensor, nothing happens.
  15. Ok, so I definitely need to sort it out, but won't fix the current issue:) Fan works with 12V power.
  16. Hello there, I would really apreciate some help, getting my baby back to how it should be. Let me sumarize the situation. It's a us spec vr6, with 2.9 ABV swap. I got the motor from a pretty nice runnig car. When the mechanic, that help me do the swap finished his job, the car took quite a few cranks, before it started (to this day, the problem remains), hot or cold. Took me about 2 years to get the will power back to mess with the car, and started on working on the quirks. I noticed that the fans aren't comming on, ever. So i first tried to bridge the cooling sensor to check for defect, but fans won't start. The fan control module seems to be ok, fuses to. Then i dug a little deeper and noticed that one of the sensors on the thermostat housing isn't pluged in. It was the black sensor, which obviously isn't ther right one (my car has AC). I now got the brown 4 pin sensor, but planing on changing the thermostat, while I am at it. Also, i have noticed a few connectors in the engine bay (by the battery) that aren't plug in to anything. I have no idea on how to start checking, what to do first, so if you could give me some pointers, that would be splendid:cool: Should i post a few pictures of the situation (connectors, their position, sensors, etc...)? Thank you for all the help, Luka
  17. avokado


    Actually, it's not a problem that something isn't working (after all, it's a 25 year old car), it's the reason it ins't working that bothers me. Some people just shouldn't be aloud to mess with cars... At least I check before doing something stupid, instead of f***ing things up and victoriously bang my chest like a baboon:)
  18. avokado


    Can you guys help me with making a new topic about wiring diagrams? Is it ok make a new topic in the "engine bay"? I need help getting the proper wiring diagrams for the passat climatronic, as i can't find in anywhere...
  19. avokado


    Thanks for the simpathies... Now that my corrado has his own personal space (the garage), this troubles are only some minor set backs, which I am going to have fun with. You don't expect to buy a corrado and everything works, do you?:)
  20. avokado


    Thanks for the heads up! I am trying to find the search bar, but with no success:) I have found a topic regarding the cooling fan issues, but i still don't have any idea if the fan operation is somehow controlled via climatronic (i have changed the entire inner harness, so the inside unit works like a charm, but left the original one in the engine bay - if the harness is not the same, i am going to have to swap the bay one aswell...). When i figure this out, it will be a lot easier. I am planing to start a new topic regarding the mater of my car though, if i cannot find any previous ones, plus, maybe someone someday will find it usefull...
  21. avokado


    Hello folks, I figure saying a few words would be at least i could do, so here goes... I bought a us spec Corrado vr6 9 years ago, got rid fo some glitches and parked it in a small garage. Eventually, an oportunity came up to swap my really poor 2.8 liter for a 2.9 liter, so i went for it, and got the car a new paintjob while i was at it. Little did i know, that this swap will be the root of all my problems:) Long story short, I got ripped off by 2 mechanics, and finally decided that I won't let anybody touch my car again, so I am dealing with bad jobs of "pros's" on my own, with occasional help from a friend. I might need to mention I made my life miserable by doing a passat 92 climatronic swap, which is still in progress, as my fans won't work, no matter what i do. Cheers, Luka
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