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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Yeah they do look better without the backing, looks really well done did you paint the fuel, tach etc needles red or do they come like that?
  2. Love the sound of my VR but my polo on full boost is much better
  3. Lovely car mate, love the way the storm badges are always all over the place and never where they are supposed to be. And sorry but I really don't like those rear lights glad you're changing them back.
  4. I've got a brand new vr6 backbox that i might be selling. was going to attempt to fit it to my 16valver but i'm not bothering. if you're interested let me know
  5. Good point Rog. Phil, I live in dorking mate, I quite often go to no rice but I proper froze my bollocks off at the last one I went to so I think i'll wait till it warms up a bit! Bit off topic but one of those 'Atom' cars went past my house never seen one before they were both wearing helmets, nutters.
  6. They are pretty similar, it was so funny at ed38 watching my mate walk over to joeblogsvr6's every time he wanted to get something out of mine and expect me to open it where as mine was parked two cars down.
  7. I'm definitley not swapping now :lol:
  8. I bought it about 2 years ago it was just shy of 9k, yes i know it was a lot but i fell in love with it.
  9. Going out in my dad's friend's brand new vr6 when I was 12 and thinking how cool it was, he still says its one of the best cars he's ever owned (M776 WLC don't know what happened to it), he says it brings back fond memories everytime he sees mine.
  10. Rick

    wheel re-chroming ??

    its not the actually chroming that ppl have on there inlet mani etc, it jst looks like mirror finish paint... the only cost &30 wid tyres when they were new
  11. hi peeps, a year ago i bought a set of bsa 264 chrome style wheels. these wheels must have been the earlier kind that was only single layer as the new chrome wheels on the market are triple layer. due to tiny stone chips on the spokes and water getting under the chrome, they have totally peeled and look awful. does anyone know if there is anywhere that can re-chrome the wheels or is it something a bodyshop can do. thanks ppl
  12. Rick

    weird electrics

    yeah, the brightness switch is on full. i found jst now when i went to fuel my car up that the lights wer the same on startup, dull, if i give the car a decent rev they go bright as they should be and then its fine ???? im thinking some kind of alternator prob but the batt light dnt come on and theres no belt slippage or noise from the alternator
  13. Rick

    weird electrics

    hi ppl, yet another prob with my vr6 rado. 2 mornings in a row i have started my car and turned the headlights on, i noticed that the speedo lights etc, looked rather dull and also my headlights. after anything frm 1-5 mins, all of a sudden all the lights are back to there usual brightness and stay that way. i fitted a new battery a few weeks back and iv never had a prob with it. i have no idea what could be causing this. also the battery light does not come on when the lights are in "dull mode" lol
  14. hi ppl, today unexpectidly, my radiator fan stopped workin. i checked the big fuse under the bonnet that sits on top of the big relay infront of the expansion tank. does anyone have an idea why this massive fuse would jst pack in n blow??? also toady after that happened, my stereo had reset itself as if there was a power cut to it, i dnt know if these 2 probs are related but im mainly jst concerned about the fan fuse.. pls can u help. thank ppl
  15. Rick

    VR6 Handling issues

    Dr-mat you talk sense. That is a good way to describe the difference. The thread was more focussed on handling issues not speed. The comparrison on a country road was made to describe how well the 205 handles.
  16. Rick

    VR6 Handling issues

    Think you might be getting the wrong end of the stick. Talking about handling (how the car grips, feels, steering response, feedback, body control etc even how it brakes). As a result of its handling characteristics it will, in most circumstances, be quicker around twisty country roads than a corrado, speed is not really the issue its the handling that the thread is talking about. Not talking about racing a mate, one will always try harder than the other. Long sweeping bends the c vr6 would kill a 205 because it has much more acceleration, lower weight and nimbleness not such a factor.
  17. Rick

    VR6 Handling issues

    Have to agree with double-6 and will. Given the choice (assuming the cars are both in decent condition) I would prefer to own a corrado over a 205 gti, no doubt. However, for sheer handling, particularly round the twisties, the 205 (either one) is the better car in this respect. It would be quicker round twisty country roads.
  18. Rick


    my 16 valve is lazy bar hangers as it's a '92. the only thing i was wondering about is if they have the same bore as i'm keeping the standard middle box. the vr6 box is brand spanking. Do you know if that's the only difference?
  19. Rick


    can anyone tell me if a vr6 back box will fit a 16 valver?
  20. When my polo was resprayed it had new wings put on it and never got round to cutting out repeater holes. Always passes the MOT though, the guy said because of the angle of the indicators it didn't matter, may be a different story with a C though.
  21. hi ppl, i have a 92 vr6 slc (LHD). i think the shaft that connects my steering column to the steering rack may be needing replaced, there seems to be a bit of play in the joints and was wondering if this part is interchangable between the different corrado models or even golfs etc. will the part have to be from a LHD car?????? anyone ever changed this part. thx ppl
  22. Sounds like exactly what I had, and mine turned out to be a faulty 'Reader coil' whatever that is.
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