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Everything posted by vr6paul

  1. VRev6- I wasn't joking. Its fair enought exploring the performance of your car to a certain extent but some of the speeds mentioned are insane stupid and dangerous. You can use the great performance these cars provide without doing 145 ish miles an hour! Just my opinion as always and many will not agree.
  2. anyone know what size of allen key is needed for the front calipers in my 95 vr6 as i am going to fit new discs at the weekend cheers paul
  3. vr6paul

    Avon ZZ1

    have got p6000s on the front of my vr and they do fine. still go michelins on the back. in this weather have started to slide and spin a bit but would need them all round to really know i think. good tyre though. cheers Paul
  4. Well went along for a look today and was properly disappointed. pretty poor really in my opinion. Not alot of cars on show and i did expect bigger for a regular event. oh well. cheers paul
  5. okidoke john will see you there cheers
  6. sounds good to me everyone else will need to confirm plenty of time yet mind
  7. don't know what time ill be heading through. don't like the sound of being stuck there all day either. plus hope there will be some more quality motors there rather than mine!
  8. if we do go that way then i am sure meeting you lot would be good. there would be a decent convoy by that time - me, joe m, bigrim, danger mouse, glen and three from edinburgh - eight so far
  9. right guys i have been over the kincardine way a couple of times. Just like going to Knockhill but you turn right in kincardine and then it gets a bit fiddly. Think Forth road is easiest and i am up for meeting at the quay- not into storming along motorway though- my liscence has had enough of that!!!! half eight should get us there for ten and if not before! cheers
  10. if good year eagles are wheelspinning in 1st and 2nd then a good way to stay alive may be to slow down a little when the road conditions get worse. spending a fortune may not make a lot of difference if the last post is anything to go by!!!
  11. i think we have heard all this sort of chat before and all we came up with was the fact that on the road it is the guy who is willing to take the most risks who is going to come out on top. Of course you don't buy a corrado just to cruise about in but you can enjoy it without having to race any one. On a quiet open road for instance
  12. Anyone heard of this yet. Saw it advertised in the Blue/yellow ad trader. Sports Centre, Bathgate (indoor i think) Sunday 2nd of November, 10am - 4pm Trade, club stands and comps i think. Can't remember rest of ad. Sunday me thinks!
  13. will hope for a better result than last year then.
  14. Anyone heard of this yet. Saw it advertised in the Blue/yellow ad trader. Sports Centre, Bathgate (indoor i think) Sunday 2nd of November, 10am - 4pm Trade, club stands and comps i think. Can't remember rest of ad. Looks like good day and have heard people talk about it. Anyone interested in going along? Think i will probably make an appearance as there hasn't been anything for a while to go to. cheers Paul
  15. i really don't think the third and fourth photos are very far away from the car we ended up with. The prototype is a peugeot i reckon. cheers paul
  16. handing the keys over is obviously the safest thing to do but it has to be said as long as people keep handing the keys over this type of incident will just grow and grow. nobody ever knows what they would do when faced with the situation until it happens and even then a lot of factors would probably affect your decision. Cheers Paul
  17. as mentioned earlier, very very nice indeedy. cheers Paul
  18. I'm at the forum rolling road day in Nov and will see then if my k and n is taking power off me but i must say i haven't noticed the loss like you are describing. cheers Paul
  19. must be wrong pipe. i got mine from euro a while back and the pipe goes from lower grill all the way up to about 4inches from filter which is where it should be. if its not right i would give them a shout cheers Paul
  20. its a ferrari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. vr6paul

    Induction Kit

    would i have to move induction ki or would the fact that the cannister was away be enough
  22. vr6paul

    Induction Kit

    I have a 57i kit on my VR. Sorry to be so dense but everyone keeps going on about a carbon canister that can be removed to provide cold air. Where is it? Underneath the air box? how easy is it to take out? will it make a difference? cheers Paul
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