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Everything posted by biggerbighugo

  1. Blue valver on borbet's looking very stretched at work today (Barons Hindhead) seen it there before.. yum yum 8)
  2. Black one at 7.30 last night on it's way into haslemere.. anyone here Gave this look :shock: as couldn't get the flashers in time.. and was far to busy singing along to coldplay.. nice looking c though doode.
  3. Loads this weekend.. clean looking g60 on guildford high st on friday night Green vr behind me at hindhead traffic lights today (i was in the black rocco) Blue one just down the road from me near kingsley green. oh and of course neil's black vr...
  4. not enough love going on here people!!!!!!!! Go give your c's a big hug and show the photo evidence.... you know they deserve it :lol: 8) :oops:
  5. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i drink anti-freeze... but that's another story.. :lol:
  6. Dooooode no....... Hand and arm marks from the grubby BMW technician who was working that morning, what were you thinking VR6? Doode.... i can't help that i sweat oil... :lol:
  7. sounds like a broken or earthed out wire then. you could trace them and fix them.. probably a b***h of a job.. or DIY it and chop the wires and put new ones in.
  8. if the relay is clicking that tends to mean it's working. Try testing the feed between the relay and the horn oh and also isn't there a earth wire on the rack that sometimes breaks off?? might be worth chacking that too. good luck 8)
  9. yup.. the rocco can take it.. :lol: thought the rado's spoiler would fall off.. plus the rado's got at least another 0 on value... ooh and neil wouln't have been a happy bunny :roll: No harm done.. they both loved it.. :lol: 8)
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: genious topic haven't stoped laughing
  11. if my arms had been longer i could have shown the gti on the right love too :lol: 4 way VAG lovin :shock:
  12. Changed my mind on the paint after seeing this.. quite like the paint now 8) Still think the owner of the rocco should be :snipersmile: :2gunfire: though...... :lol:
  13. turn your phone on crazzy fooool!!!!!!
  14. that's almost pornographic!!! :oops: :oops: :roll:
  15. shame i haven't still got the mk1 then we'd have the lot in that photo 8)
  16. ha ha it's me........ :lol: looks like you average dream vag household there 8)
  17. If you bought a BMW i'd have you shot :2gunfire: nasty cars... that would be because i have to fix all the sh1t ones.. Anyway i want to move to Audi or vw in about 6 months... yey.. good cars 8) Edit: plus we all know what happens with you, rear wheel drive and facing the wrong way hehe :lol:
  18. have you tried pressure bleeding at the same time as manual. 20 pumps on each caliper with the pressure bleeder.
  19. you selling the car or nikki??? :lol: only joking... don't show her this... :afro:
  20. doode you can't sell it before i've driven it...... i'll drive it like i'm driving miss daisy.. honest!! :roll:
  21. dooode i've told you i'll look after the car........and i won't charge you anything :lol:
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