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Everything posted by bristolbaron

  1. phone gwerks, im sure they'd better i if they know youre buying there and then!
  2. you're gonna chop the roof off? you've bought a nokia phone cradle? you're converting to left hand drive? Arrrrrggghhhhh! The suspense is killing me!!
  3. http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=83004&p=960708&hilit=digifiz#p960708
  4. cant believe you're selling the trim, i hope something goods going in its place.. looks like a tidy car, and good money too. look forward to seeing what you can do with it.
  5. wow.. good lad. i hate to think how much his insurance will be..
  6. im guessing the problem you have is that you haven't cut your hands yet. the corrado was designed with a mechanism that meant it would hold back all wiring in a difficult place to reach until you had cut your hands up a bit. as soon as it senses blood, the wire is released. HTH.
  7. haha are you seriously asking for a favorite when you can hardly see the front wheels!? :nuts:
  8. oh.. and have a look at this.. you may need to join first to see the page though http://www.dubforce.net/forums/index.php?s=24bf3513aba1610ea14a3b9f9c6856b9&showtopic=7127&st=25
  9. i've not seen it done before, but i cant see any reason why it wouldnt be possible.. size wise it'll be different, but i cant see why you couldnt get round that. not gonna be a small job, but would be cracking. if the price is right then go for it!
  10. "the Corrado did not become a Euro-spec performance icon until VW installed its innovative VR6 engine in the sporty hatch in 1992, Although VR6 owners soon realised their cars were so boring they had to go the way of the G60, using forced induction." :lol: :lol: :lol: only jokin :wink:
  11. It is an American article though so he is correct (unfortunately for them!) ah, fair enough, only skimmed through.. i'd still be surprised if they have a 3.2 R36 though!
  12. Well done! I hear so many people say they want to do this sort of thing, It's good to see someone making progress!
  13. Nice to know they know what they're talking about too! :lol: In the Corrado, the 2.8-liter VR6.. ..expanded to displace 3.2 liters and fitted to the.. Passat R36..
  14. http://www.ap-suspension.com/ProductDetail.aspx?pid=152 cheapest half decent set you'll find..
  15. how much are you thinking a respray will cost? if you looked at £200 max, less the £40 the splitter would cost you, put aside £50 a month you'd have it done by the end of the year!
  16. nice tips john.. makes it sound so easy!! :notworthy:
  17. thats the worst photoshop ever!!! go for it.. it'll come off if it looks bad!
  18. there are 3 real options. 1, when you tint the lights, leave spaces in the tint over the indicator section. 2, swap your lights at MOT time. 3, have a 'friendly' MOT tester. HTH
  19. storm developments and jabbasport.. all around the same price, but with a lot more complaint threads over the years!
  20. I'm with the Supra owner.. you might not like the styling of his car, but he's not sneaking out to take pictures of your car on a friday evening. I wouldn't bang the guy next doors mrs, but if he's happy then thats cool with me 8) live and let live.
  21. http://wiki.the-corrado.net/tinting_rear_lights.html
  22. gwerks for me.. i think you'll find it difficult to get anyone to argue too hard on jabbas behalf..
  23. when is it you're going away? I'm not sure how quickly we'll get ourselves sorted, but budget wise it's so far looking to be around £40-£50 per month per car, so at the top of your budget. However, there will be 2 of us regularly using the unit, so it'll be regularly checked on.. whatever we look at will be at least a 1 year lease, so that would be fine time wise.
  24. and if you find someone qualifying Wendy's corrado.. :norty: Have you seen this months PVW? Theres a bit in there about the Toyo Tyres series, That looks like a good crack and not too pricey to get started. If I was thinking about getting involved i'd def be looking further at that first.. Good luck Wendy, sounds like fun!
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