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Everything posted by bristolbaron

  1. just did a set of d90's for winters.. main advice would be make sure your prep is perfect.. anything showing on your primer level shows twice as bad once done! With such smooth faces this is the main area to concentrate on..
  2. there is a very good arguement in what you say, which using rear wheel drive and drift would be completely applicable, however for general fast road front wheel drive use stretch offers no benefits!
  3. Ah... ok... Thanks for clearing that up... 8) I'll just go back to being able to drive my performance car quickly without wondering if the tyres will come off around corners... 8) p.s. if you wonder how far a low profile tyre can stretch during hard cornering, look at the front wheel in this pic and compare it with the rear tyre profile... these are 205 45 16 on a 7.5" rim... I wouldn't want to be anywhere near someone with "stretched" tyres going near a corner... :nono: I dont drive the car hard anymore, its for looking pretty these days.. besides its too low for hard cornering! if i were to take it on a trackday etc it most definately wouldn't be on those rims!
  4. id be looking at a VR6 as a daily and DC2 as weekend/track car myself..
  5. I found this guy on ebay who sells used calipers with the hoses.. on there way so should be fitting at the weekend. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380213639782&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3907.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D380213639782%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1
  6. do you have a pdf of the original press release? could really help a mate out if you could email it to me..
  7. cheers guys, the failures listed were: Measurements Brakes Failures: RBT park brake efficency: 0% (both) rear parking brake recording little or no effort Parking brake efficiency below requirements I was advised you can try and free them up but they tend to sieze again anyway. It seems a good time to change them as i've done the fronts now..
  8. My MOT has failed on rear brake calipers, so i need to replace them pretty quickly. What are my options in terms of what to go for? Can MK4 rears be used on a 4 stud G60? I found the ones Drew's using in his thread, but don't know availability. I'm running 305mm Brembo's up front so something to compliment without costing an arm and a leg would be ideal. Advice with what else i'll need - ie Goodrich hoses etc would be great!. I want to order something tomorrow if poss, but don't want to find out too late that there was a better option! Cheers, Baz.
  9. Just about to order some new rear calipers for my G60 and i found this post.. can you tell me a bit more? did you get them to fit okay? how can i get hold of some? need them asap and this looks like a decent upgrade! Cheers Baz.
  10. I sincerely hope you don't actually mean this..
  11. You hit 145 other corrados on the way there!? Imagine the pic if they were all there too!!
  12. There used to be a sign in the dealers saying they carry stock of all parts for 10 years from end of manufacture. Therefore parts would have stopped being made in 2005. Any available items now have possibly been sat on shelves for 5 years unless they have also been used for other later cars or are a popular part. I dont think anyone can seriously expect a manufacturer to carry on producing every part for every car they've ever made can they?
  13. infinity are awesome.. my mate worked for Martin for a while and he's fantastic at what he does. i bought mine from g-werks and had it fitted by a friend. not sure if they're still supplying though. http://www.infinity-exhausts.co.uk/
  14. Theres a southwest based dub forum that would be worth posting for a garage recommendation: http://www.vagowners.co.uk/forums/index.php
  15. i dont know how well i can explain this after a gallon of cider but here goes.. to undo: undo 13mm bolt for supercharger tensioner. push tensioner off with hand/spanner. to put back on: put belt back on relevant pullies. tensioner will now be about 1 inch too high to go back on. put the middle of the biggest spanner you have against the top of the tensioner and push down hard, lining up with thread. push the tensioner back onto the thread and do up nut. real easy to do, takes seconds when you know how..
  16. Seriously so what?? I hate all these 'look at this sh!t car' threads. if you dont like it dont buy it! Why do people always feel the need to run to the nearest forum to slate someone elses car? Your time could be spent enriching your own life not putting down others.
  17. it doesnt deserve the 'FKD' numberplate thats for sure!!
  18. i dont really understand the question.. Are you asking where to buy VW parts? Or how to fit a splitter?
  19. s4 engine and drivetrain..
  20. tyres will fit fine, for courier id recommend parcel2go will be about £20 if sent as 2 parcels..
  21. I've just swapped over to a Rallye FMIC on my G60 and found I need to replace the radiator. As the moment I have a standard rad on there, but was thinking if i'm shelling out for a new one anyway, what are my replacement options? I was thinking if i went for a rallye rad i could then use a twin fan set up for better cooling? Or would this not fit in the available space? Looking to order something today so the quicker the responces the better! Cheers Baz
  22. theyre not that pricy from the dealers.. or if you want big uns.. http://www.dgautotech.com/dgauto/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=52&Itemid=81
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