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About diggerbucket

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  • Birthday 11/02/1981


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  1. Corrado! Didn't quite catch his last name, but it sounded very much Italian, as did his accent 8) I knew these people existed, never thought I would meet one though :lol:
  2. I could be speaking rubbish here, but does that not risk damaging the master cylinder?
  3. Drove the car for the first time in a while today, and was reminded of this problem. Anyone got any ideas as to why I can't get out of reverse??!
  4. Cool, I have an eezibleed kit somewhere. Will I get away with just bleeding the new slave, or do I have more to do?
  5. My clutch pedal sometimes doesn't return properly, so I'm gonna try replacing the slave cylinder. Looks easy enough, maybe a bit tricky to get to. Is there anything to look out for? How do you bleed it properly?
  6. Reminds me of a similar thing which happened on my mate's mk2, driving along he's saying the fuel gauge is going down a bit quick, couple of minutes later the smell of petrol starts to get pretty strong. We take 5 mins or so to pull over to a safe spot to have a look, by this time the gauge has dropped by about half a tank - looked under the bonnet and it was as if someone had taken 2 buckets of petrol and just chucked it into the engine bay Still can't believe it didn't end up in a fireball!
  7. You should adjust the brake compensator.... but I can't remember which way :D
  8. Dunno about the Rs, but the T1-S's that I had on my old Golf were absolutely useless in the snow. Got a set of Avon snow tyres and the difference was night and day, coulda cleared the roads if I'd put a plough on the front :lol: Oh and just leave it in gear with the handbrake off if it's cold. Or replace the handbrake cables, they tend to freeze up a bit :)
  9. Can't fault the seller for trying though, 10 of those sold and 13 of his "+20bhp" chips in the last 2 days!
  10. I have one of those too, and I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones! No idea what it's for :)
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