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Everything posted by diggerbucket

  1. I know plenty of you lot have rolled/cut your front arches - if so what happens to the inner plastic arch where it would usually be bolted to the arch lip? Is it just left floating? What about stopping dirt and crap getting up inside?
  2. Interesting.... Where is this piston located? Easy to get to?
  3. Nooooo that bolt is only meant to be just barely hand tight! Hope he's paying for the new parts!
  4. Another thumbs up here, they have loads of genuine parts too.
  5. I'd be putting them back if I were you. :)
  6. Similar problem on my VR6 too, water temp never gets above 70 for normal driving, and the oil temp is reading low too. No idea what the problem is :(
  7. Best colour for a Corrado IMO :D It is nothing short of stunning.
  8. It's totally dead, there is absolutely no sign that the car even has ABS! No light, no vibrating pedal on startup, nothing! Fault code scan just says it can't communicate with the ABS.
  9. My ABS is not working at all, so I thought first thing to check would be the relay and fuse.... but where are they? :? Don't think I can see them in the fusebox?
  10. There is no need for a press, the bearings are tapered so don't need to be pressed in. The races can be removed with a punch and a suitable drift and new ones can be easily drifted in (with a socket and a hammer!) No need for a garage and done in a few hours easily!
  11. Pretty cool, what do you do there? Take the Corrado on that slippy roundabout thing 8)
  12. Well that's me out of ideas then :lol:
  13. Just going by a problem I had with mine. It started getting lumpy at idle and hesitant when on throttle, but only occasionally and at any point in the rev range. For a start it was very occasional but it got worse over time, to the point it was hesitant and jumpy nearly every time I pushed the throttle, and it would cut out at idle sometimes. New blue temp sender fixed it, it's only a tenner or so :)
  14. Blue temp sender possibly.
  15. It sounds like your cap has broken, with half of it staying behind when you take the top part off. It happened to my old Golf and for ages I thought it was meant to be like that! Is there a spring and a couple of other bits in there too? If so, you need to get it out and get a new cap.
  16. I'm glad this thread appeared, as mine does the same thing and I always wondered if it was normal. The combination of slightly worn timing chains, tappets and 2k revs from cold ain't the most pleasant sound :lol:
  17. Mk4 Polo diesel for going to work, Corrado for anything else.
  18. Any chance you can get it on vag-com? Mine always reads low oil and water temps, but on vag-com the readings look ok so I'm starting to think it's the instrument cluster itself :? Mine doesn't jump around like yours tho, and the fan doesn't kick in when I stop the engine.
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