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Everything posted by diggerbucket

  1. Mine has twice gone down the stalling route, first time it was the blue temp sensor on front of the engine, then it was the MAF. The MAF was constant stalling, the blue temp sensor was totally random and would also sometimes make it hard to take the throttle.
  2. I couldn't drive the VR every day, it would do my head in. I had to for 2 weeks when my Polo was broken, and in typical Corrado fashion it lasted 2 days before breaking down in the most awkward place possible. So it's a 55mpg oil burner for work, makes me appreciate the VR more when I use it 8)
  3. Interesting, where is that sensor? My MFA says it's about 70, but if it's plugged into vagcom it says about 90.
  4. Fuel prices must have something to do with it, certainly seems to have affected VR6 prices anyway.
  5. Mine will be for sale soon, once I find some motivation to fix a couple of niggles and get it MOT'd............ Not exactly local tho :lol:
  6. Where exactly is this o-ring? When you say tensioner bolt is that the thing that's screwed into the back of the head? I'm sure my chains could be a bit tighter....
  7. The episode with the Corrado is just starting 8)
  8. I would also check/replace the blue water temp sender on the front of the engine.
  9. My Golf did this, a new stalk cured it. Quite funny when it happens... for the first few times anyway but then it's just annoying :lol:
  10. Don't forget if it's a VR6 you need more than 5 litres!
  11. Jacked it up today for a look, still not 100% sure but looks like it may be the pipe going into the oil cooler. One thing's for sure, it looks like an absolute bastid to get to without taking a lot of the front end off :( Can hardly get my hands in for a feel, never mind starting to take bits off!
  12. Oh and it wasn't slipping one bit, just juddering.
  13. My VR6 had a judder when taking up the clutch, nothing at all at idle or when on the move, only at the biting point of the clutch, when moving away in 1st or sometimes changing into 2nd. New clutch sorted it.
  14. It'll turn into a love hate thing before long, after all it is a Corrado 8)
  15. I doubt it will be the thermostat housing, I replaced that about a year ago. Will check it tho.
  16. Found this on the KB - is that square thing on the right with the hex on it the oil cooler? I still haven't been able to have a proper look but it seems to be coming out from behind or near that. It may just be as simple as the hose popping off..... not bloody likely with a Corrado though! http://the-corrado.net/wiki/index.php/Image:CC_228.jpg
  17. Just approaching work this morning and about 50m from parking up I noticed the water light flashing. Drove up to my space and soon as I stopped there was steam everywhere and the Corrado decided to dump what looked like ALL its coolant on the ground! Can't really get my head underneath to see cos it's too low, but from above it appears to be leaking from behind a circular thing at the front middle of the engine with an alloy hex nut on it - is that the oil cooler? If not what is it? Do these things have a tendency to pop? There's no mixing of the oil and water as far as I can see (just topped up oil and water yesterday so would've noticed), it just seems to have gone suddenly!
  18. I got one for a tenner off ebay a couple of weeks ago 8)
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