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Everything posted by Bendy

  1. hey guys i have a similar problem, except that my vents are piss poor, the footwell and screen work fine on all settings 1-4 but the vents seem to push sod all air out, any ideas wat this could be???
  2. hey u sure u not my dad or g/f in disguise, u sounding very familiar :lol: :lol:
  3. not sayin there is anything wrong wiv the standard car!! thats y most of us hav a rado in the 1st place because it is 1 of the best lookin standard cars out there today. but i just hav mine a little lower than most would as thats how i like it!!! each to there own as some would say!!! :lol:
  4. i have raised it twice, gets any higher ill b getting a nose bleed!!!! :roll: :oops:
  5. Hey guys an gals, does anyone know where i can get a sump guard/skid plate from as ive just gone through 2 sumps in 5 weeks!!! Its getting expensive bein this low!!! any help would be great. cheers peeps
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