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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Your C looks so good on that spacesaver, the yellow strip really sets it off - thought of getting those all round ? !!!! :lol: :lol: Seems to me you were very lucky with the damage you had to that tyre, quite unbelievable the damage there.
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: Ok, I forgot you moved !!!!
  3. Well after my experience in TK Maxx which is where I visited after Halfords, I think you are right. Nearly every item had a Security tag on it - this was in Rugby. Not like that here in Banbury !!! Obvioulsy a better class of person here. Dosn't say much for Leamington Spa !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It that due to Jim ?? !!!!!
  4. Although this won't help anyone here. VAT Rates in the majority of the European Countries have been 20% or higher for quite a number of years. As has been said before in many Countries, fuel prices are higher. i too am spending more on fuel than I do on food and have done for years. On the subject of other Countries - I think it is all too easy - to see things through rose coloured glasses when you are not actually living in another country. There many be some of the surface issues that seem better than the UK, but until you live there sadly you don't really know the extent of the ease of life or problems. Has anyone ever tried going to the Doctors in Spain - I don't mean privately when on holiday through your Travel insurance. All patients have an appt for 9am, when you arrive there are hundreds of others. You are then given a token with a number on it, this relates to where you are in the order. This could take hours. Or, try making someone Redundant, or dismissing them in France. A near on impossibility. My biggest gripe on the fuel prices ( and hidden taxes) is the state of our roads, we don't need speed limits with the poor state of the road surfaces. Along with most Council workers - and i have friends in this area - the salaries, pensions and working conditions are far superior to that of the private sector. Where else do you get graded each year, which increases your salary and that's not talking of general pay rises. Or get long term sickness on full pay ( when actually you are not sick). Apologies to all Council workers on here - this is not a dig at you personally - but the system. I could continue, but its Saturday evening - calm calm..................
  5. I just want to advise everyone with a warning when ordering online with Halfords. The brief version - I ordered a Tom Tom 6 days ago and recieved my confirmation and order number promptly. The website where you can Track the Order does not work. So today, I called Customer Services I was advised the product I ordered is not in stock at the warehouse and they are not getting any more in. No reason was given as to why i had not been advised and it did not sound like their cared. The long and short is - if I had not telephoned, I would be none the wiser. Their Website advised when I ordered stating Leamington Spa had two in stock. Fortunately I rang before departing home - to find actually they had none in stock. Hence I ordered online, as the delivery was free too Then today - Customer Services advised Rugby had 3 in stock - again not the case when I rang. They had one - the display model. I did decide to take this and the Rugby branch were really superb - providing me with the item £20 cheaper - which at least paid for my fuel. Then the staff were really knowledgable and even gave me an incar demo and set up some of the basic settings for me. So although a painful start and I did get just a touch uptight with Customer Services, i cannot fault the Rugby Branch for their assistance. So - just please do not reserve something online with Halfords without calling the Branch to check the accuracy of the site. All calm again now.
  6. Sorry John (dukest) I had read it now said 2011 and had not noted the date of your thread. John - Corozin AGM on April 3rd Run to the 80's on 4th/5th June Silverstone FI on 9th/10th July Nothing else in my diary yet !!
  7. This thread links to the Corrado Club website - is it suppossed to ? And if so - whereas the previous list contained near on all the motorsport dates throughout the country, it also included the Corrado events - there is nothing on the CCGB website apart for the Run to the 80's. ?
  8. Still not received mine either. I would like to know when this was posted - please. Thank you Wendy
  9. Same here - Even if I could get out, the centre ridges in the roads are really high (and that's the main roads.) All the villagers were out in force on Sunday clearing the roads, even a local Farmer came by to help with plough. Looks like no gritting has gone on for 4 days on main Southam Road from Banbury. Got a lift in at 7.40am this morning - wow, how dark is it then - not used to seeing that time of day !!!!!!
  10. My card from the CCGB arrived last Friday, I thought it was great for the CCGB to do this. I also really like it, at first i did wonder about the dirt on the car, but then thought it added to the atmospherics. It is the only card up on my mantle piece :) Personally, I do not believe the photo should be shown on here - many folk pay their membership to the CCGB, so why should others get to see it for free. Jim - It is usually the ones who do the complaining - who contribute nothing to the Club. That first post on this thread really annoyed me and I am not even on the committee. Its not that the card had to be liked, but to kick so many people in the teeth is quite unbelievable.
  11. Well mine has stopped too. I am told as long as you don't force it and it is not broken, this repair can be done with new cables rather than the whole Heater control unit. A much cheaper solution. I'm sure the boys will enlighten you further. !! :)
  12. Thanks guys, I will try for 195's tomorrow. I can't afford to stay at home everyday there is an inch of snow on the ground and besides it plays havoc with my social life !!! :lol:
  13. Do you really believe this ? I understand your point and appreciate a car would dry off quicker with air flow around it - but surely a car is better off in a garage even so. Less damage from Birds poo, flying depris - it is quite windy here, dust ingraining and taking more time to clean. (Even though, the car is jet sprayed with water before washing, surely some of this dust gets ingrained anyway.) Engine warming up quicker, locks not frozen up, windscreen not requiring defrosting/scrapping etc. Surely none of this is great for the car either ? And - I was waiting for David to have some smart a%ed answer - and you spoilt it !!!!
  14. David - I spotted earlier that people had commented on this - however I am not fully understanding. Of course I know the 195/205 is the width of the tyre. But how does this fit on a Standard speedline ? Does not the tyre get damaged due to being on a wheel of not the same size ? I did speak to a few fitters when ringing around this afternoon and none of them had heard of this being done or would recommend it. Another question - are the Corrado's more of a pain in the snow than some other vehicles of say less power, weight - even if driven equally carefully. ?
  15. I have to state the obvious here ................... Why not put the car in the garage ?? Surely that would works wonders on the 'Stopping locks freezing ' I am getting my coat..................... :lol:
  16. Which tyres did you opt for PurpleTom ? I am really impressed in the conditions you have driven in. Have you got a Snow Plough on the front ?? :lol: :lol: I have spent most of the afternoon searching for Winter Tyres - in 205/50/15 - none in the Country, well not below £80 per corner - I do refuse to be so completly ripped off. And........ £320 will buy me quite alot of taxi fares. The route from my house out of the village is even getting worse with its one inch of snow, due to that freezing, light snowfall last night and freezing again. I went for a walk earlier to check it out. There is absoultely no Grit in any of the grit bins in the village - annoying as this means we - the locals - can't even help ourselves. :roll:
  17. Very annoyingly, it looks as if I have no option to get some too. An inch of snow this morning, reversed out of the garage, turned car around and headed off in first at about 5mph. Either direction out of my house is quite a steep slope to the main village road, decided to take the lesser steep slope. Half way down, slipping and sliding then met another vehicle. applied brakes - nothing !!!!!!!!!, handbrake finally pulled me up. Apparently further down the hill, 2 - 3 cars, one stuck almost in hedge - no getting past. Selected reverse - managed 5 foot then slipping and sliding. Came to standstill and unable to move - in an inch of Snow !!!!!!!!!! Fortunately neighbours, threw sand down behind my front wheels and gently weighted the front of the car enabling me to reverse all the way back and into my garage. That is where the C is now staying - far to risky - not damaging her for the sake of a inch of snow. Main road through village is almost clear and the main road to Banbury - hardly any snow on it what so ever. Stunningly beautiful where I live, no chance of flooding ever - just a bit of a problem in the snow. !!!!! Sadly now into Taxi fares - again, as no way will I either pay over the odds for Winter tyres now, but as Jim wait till Summer
  18. There are usually some around in Banbury - North Oxon - Is that too far ?
  19. Mine changed at 125K, no noises, but when changed discovered I had a lucky break, as were likely to go at any time, on their last legs. Car not driven hard in an abuse way - just fast - occassionaly !! :lol:
  20. All the names under the sun when she is not working properly !!!!! :lol: And - I won't clean her then either - have to show her who is Boss !!! :lol: I was so pe'ed off the other week, I offered her to Vince for nothing, who said no - 'cos she did not have a full tank of fuel !!! :lol: :lol: My cars are female though even if without a name. As are Cats, but Dogs are male !!!
  21. I agree - and I would be having a proper go a Flux !
  22. Glad you have the result you were after. Well Done !!
  23. Bit of a different race that one, forced by the Schumaker spin and initial pit stops. AS was said at the time Webber should have stopped then too, might have been a different outcome. How thin is Webber getting, he looks so drawn - his chheks are really sunken. How cruel for Button's car to come right when he was out of the Championship. Vettel's emotions were brilliant at winning the Championship- he really did not know whether to cry or laugh.
  24. If only there was a Shell station closer than 13 miles away !!! Savings will be gone in extra fuel used. :(
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