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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Must say, I am a tad shocked. :shock: Selling a TT for a Corrado ? Really ? !! Don't get me wrong, i love my Corrado and yes recently Test drove some much newer decent possible replacements. Only to decide not to do it, not that much of an improved vehicle for the mass of extra cash injection required. I just can't imagine having purchased a newer Sports Coupe going back to a Corrado though. Side step more likley. Of course, no reason not to return to a Corrado. Intrigued now - what year, what engine and performance is your TT ? How is it not as good as the Corrado?
  2. Me too, excellent drive by Fisy, that car was so planted. I am really enjoying this season, everything is so changeable. :clap:
  3. So then Big Ben - where did you go at 5am this morning ?
  4. Annoyingly, had to change my headlights back to standard :( Fortunately, not expecting to do any night driving for the next few days until the replacement Xenon's are in stock. Mine is faulty, blowing the bulbs and Stealth are closed Friday and Saturday, so can't get it done until next week. :(
  5. I used to live in Blunham, surely Biggleswade to Upper Caldecote, Ickwell, Northill, Cople into Bedford ? Then, Bromham, stevington, Carlton, Little Odell, Bozeat, Castle Ashby, Cogenhoe, Houghton to Northampton. And back along the B645. In my opinion, A45, A43 and M40 are boring !!!!!!!!!!! Ok for putting your foot down, but not a good drive !!!! Have fun, what ever you decide. I will be watching the Grand prix :D
  6. Yeah, so he didn't even make it to the first corner. !!! Wimp! , he's pulled out - too scared of the competition :lol: and the thought that he may not be of the standard when he retired F1. His Ego couldn't take it !!!! :lol:
  7. R32 heh !! Great to drive, want some lessons ?? :lol: I personally think its a shame they did not build this engine into a better model shape than the Golf. Yes, I like the Golf, but the Mk 1 and 11 after this, I think they got really boring. Despite this a good drivers car. Sure you will have fun Bill.
  8. That looks superb. Going on Track with it ?? :lol:
  9. Do you have a Trailer that you are selling too ?
  10. Not helpful - but think its called life !! Hope you manage to get it sorted get to the Big Chill. :)
  11. Wendy

    I Passed !!

    Thanks again guys. My head is buzzing with everything that needs researching, investigating etc. It is hard to stay focused on the next priority and not run away with trying to achieve everything - but then nothing - if you know what I mean. I am going to Oulton Park on the 15th August as the 924 Club Championship is racing that day - to check it out, ask mass questions etc. I already am getting a list together of people that may sponsor me, years ago I sold Advertising and have always had a interest in the whole field of publicity. One of my clients is in Marketing too - so i will be asking for their assistance. However - yes - Vornwend - If nothing more than to keep me sane !!! :lol: Absolutely !! I have had some great design ideas for the car - hopefully that will assist being sponsered. And thank you for the offer Sean_Jaymo - all help will be very appreciated. I am expecting at the moment - with a car that is not yet prepared, that I have not yet driven - to be doing Track Days and a couple of Races next year with hopefully a full Race Series the year after. Those that know me well, will be very aware, I have no intention of not doing well and so have actually engaged sensible head - so the preparation is obvioulsy key to this. Although my stomach was shot all of the Test day due to nerves, I have to tell you all, the written test was actually easy. :lol: It so reminded me of being at school, I finshed the test way before anyone else. Even then, I still thought i may at worst case have 4 wrong answers, knowing this meant I would have failed. Fortunately this was not the case. Will keep you all informed of any progress. :D :D
  12. Wendy

    I Passed !!

    Thanks guys for all the comments. For the Test I drove the Vauxhall VX220, which apart from being very rattly, was a good car to drive - on Track. The Test Instructor was brilliant - teaching me - on rear wheel drives, how to brake through the corners, which is normally a complete No No. Most annoyingly however, on getting in the car, i could not fully press the pedals to the floor - bloody ducks disease is most annoying, let alone really embarassing. They had to get cushions !!!!!!!!!!!!!! He too, had raced Porsche 924's and had good comments to make on them and offered quite a bit of advice. And - yes, there were men also taking the Test - but guess what - They probably thought they knew it all and had nothing to learn !!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
  13. Yesterday, I did my ARDs Test at Snetterton. (This being the the Theory and Driving aspect for my Race Licence). So, nervous beforehand, went to the loo numerous times etc, due to the volume of coffee. Kept the cigarette companies from going bust too !!! Really satisfying result though. 100% in the written and 91% in the Driving - Best of the Day :clap: :clap: Loads of work to do now - checking exactly what Race Series I will enter so can get a car prepared accordingly, the list is extensive of everything I have to reseach etc. Plus anyone who would like to offer any assistance - Track Events, Race events, mechanical etc. There will be loads to do. !!! Will post up more as time progresses. Really excited !!
  14. Hi, Although you are only going to using this car as a Track Car, you wil get lots of help and tips from Specialist Race Garages, Websites of similar formula's and Racing Clubs. These people will have years of experience and will have done many improvements at huge costs to later find out cheaper alternatives. Also by joining a Race Club - they bulk buy on many of the Track Day consumables - helping to keep costs down. I would also get the car onto Track as soon as possible. This way you will discover for yourself the areas for improvement you wish to complete, feel the difference and not waste unecessary money or time. More than almost anything else, it is the way you drive on the Track. I would strongly recommend - Instruction - even if you only have one 20 minute session each time you go out (cost approx £25), this will teach you more in the car handling, balance, braking etc etc plus of course the lines to take through the Track for best speed and enjoyment. Good luck and enjoy.
  15. Couldn't agree more. I personally found it amusing that Williams were not allowing Testing for Schuey. AS has been said before, Rules are Rules. Besides, I for one am totally fed up with Ferrari the rules that don't normally include them. Year after year, we have Ferrari being granted permission or forgiven for something. I don't like Schuey although his driving is good and can't stand the Ferrari Team who obviously have a Mafia style approach to everything that does not go their way. Schuey's main competitor though - if the car is up to standard, is Button - who has the most similar driving style to Schuey. Although Hamilton is good, I don't believe he has the Consistancy of accuracy yet. Best we could hope for is that Schuey is pushed off Track preferably in the first lap. No more more than Ferrari deserves.
  16. Why, sorry, guess its obvious to most of you - but not me !!!
  17. I agree - don't give up though. Sorry I can't help, well could do the bacon sarnies !!! :lol: (If that would get me included in the trip to Merc or Brooklands - of course I am assuming there are Test Drives) !!!! :lol: Should have added I can do lots of P.... Taking, but will leave Toad to the Forum luving !!!!! A recent fault on mine was only diagnosed by putting on 3 new differing parts to establish which was the fault. Hoping you get this resolved with just the extra tenner spent. Keep positive. :)
  18. For the first time ever - I locked myself out yesterday - of the Corrado - yes really. I was so peeed off with the weather and knowing i had not the time either to wash my car, i took it to the Polish guys in town - eye candy and car washing !!!! (I have taught them how to wash a car properly and go there all of 6 times a year.) Anyway, I usually take my keys out of the car, but this time, I didn't and as i had left a window slightly open, pressed the remote to turn off the immobiliser so I could operate the electric window, but selected the remote by accident again before shutting the door. :brickwall: Talk about feeling really stupid, but I also found it really funny as did everyone else. Fortunately the car infront of me was a taxi, so quick taxi ride home,(4 miles) fortunately again my spare keys were exactly were I thought they should be and back into town to retrive my car. Even the Taxi driver - was kind to me - after laughing at me of course and only charged me one way. A rather expensive car wash. !! :lol: Dumb blonde - before any of you say it :lol: :lol:
  19. Or - a very overweight Corrado - with big mouth !!!! :lol: :lol:
  20. Hi Guys, I need some new wiper blades, I had the Lupo conversion done a few years ago. Does anyone know the part number for me to order some please. Thought I would get these now - incase it rains at Coombe Autometrix Day !! :lol: Cheers Wendy
  21. Daily C only, Personally I do not believe a Corrado is the best Track going vehicle and I also would not want to wreck a Corrado on Track. Have just received all the Race Licence information, so next I need to look at which Race Series i might like to do. It will be something cheap - so much to learn, I think there will be some transition from Track Driving to Racing. John as Tech Director - Technicial on what exactly ? Castle Coombe ?
  22. [quote="corozin Yes there is a mandatory safety briefing at the Autometrix Day. You aren't allowed on track unless you attend it. Normal trackday rules; passing only allowed on the right & by consent; no overtaking in the braking zones & corners, no aggressive behaviour, monitoring/warning & blag flagging by the marshals if you break the rules etc. Frankly if you're slightly concerned about being on track with the others, I suggest you try to line up at the back of the line, or alternatively pull over & let everyone pass you on the way out to the track, give them some time to get clear, and then go out onto an empty track. The fastest Corrados will take at least 1m30s to come around so you have plenty of time. You'll enjoy the clear track far more IMHO, and take things at your own (undoubtedly excessive) pace. If you do catch anyone they'll pull over to the right and let you pass if they've followed the rules. Most common overtaking spots at Combe trackdays are (1) main straight between Camp & Folly (2) between Quarry & the Esses (3) between Bobbies & Camp (although that one takes a bit of confidence even if you're being let past). If you have monster brakes and the confidence necessary you can also overtake (4) over the Avon Rise into Quarry and (5) from Hammerdown into Tower :cuckoo: Are you really doing the Autometrix session then Wendy? John - are you sure they are giving full Safety Briefing etc for this session ? I am not doing the Full or even Half Day Track Day - just the Session that Eric has booked - hence my question. I am thinking some wires may have got crossed here.
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