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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Hi all, Well I am nearly ready for our departure on Friday. The Karman folder is now full - routes, accomodation, places to visit, plus back up accomodation if required by anyone. We have stickers for the cars - all in the Scottish theme !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see we have a few more joining the trip. I note that Lilfuzzer and jimmyvwjunkie and both indicating they may be interested in joining us the last weekend. Is that Friday through to Sunday. So you know, the accomodation in Keilder is a Self Catered Cottage - albeit we have it catered !! So we may be able to provide accomodation if it is required. I think apart from Windermere, we have Corrado folk meeting us every day. I have contact telephone numbers for Coullstar and craigowl, can all the rest please pm me mobile telephone numbers.please WE have a laptop with us and Internet access at most of the places we stay, so hopefully nothing or no-one will be missed. Really excited now - I hope you guys up North have organised some good dry weather. Look forward to catching up with everyone. Wendy
  2. If I were in your position right now, I would be pretty pee'd off and wanting to contest it. However, before spending any money on this - how about investigating what is required to actually contest this. And make a decision based on the facts. At least you will know what is involved. If in the end you do follow route to contest this - just remember to ask the time length it could take.
  3. Well its going to be a nice weekend, so pull your finger out and get on with it !!!! :lol: :lol: Serioulsy, hope you do get the car fixed in time. If not, come and meet up with us anyway while we are in the area. Wendy
  4. Wrap them in bubble pack each night ? Would one of your neighbours agree to swopping parking bays, so you could park on the end and at least minimise this happening again. All agree to park the cars facing the same way, so then you could put some protection on the door where it is most likley to be damaged. I know I would be pulling my hair out. I have had to resort to parking in a multi storey twice weekly and I observe the new dings in the doors. I always park next to one of the post, so i can only be parked against one side, I even try to make sure it is the same side, to reduce the overal damage. Good luck in coming to a satisfactory resolve.
  5. Good Luck with this. Was I the only one to notice the 'sponsered by Andrex' Have you asked them ???? !!!! :lol:
  6. I am sooooooo envious. I so badly would like to do this. Car looks great, keep us updated.
  7. Wendy

    Fuel Prices

    Shall I organise a Corrado Meet ?? :lol: :lol: I reckon this could easily be done - all meet at a really large petrol station. Organise it so we are all refuelling together. All drive off together. Several hits like this around the country would have an impact !! And - get us noticed, nicked, and pulled up by the cops at every opportunity afterwards. !!!
  8. The black leather does certainly make it hot, hot, hot. I try to park in shady areas when at work and always pull the front seats forward to try to stop the sun settling on them and also drying them out, meaning more work to put the leather polish on. Certainly makes you think when you see older folk covering their seats with blankets - not such a bad idea. Years ago in my motorhome, we had winscreen covers to keep out the heat - they used to work brilliantly. Surely something similar is made for cars, that could be adpted for the Corrado. Air Con - I actually like the opening of windows and hate it when in a friends car on a hot day, of all the windows being closed.
  9. Two recently - One last week by tyre fiiters who were replacing my front tyres. They were just in love with the care passing every possible compliement, including it not missing a beat and clocking hte fact its now over 173kmiles. Then on Sunday - friends visiting from Wales - they had not been out in my car previously. We just went for a small drive and I just gave one or two blasts on straights , so they could get the full benefit of the sound and speed. Completly blown away with the power - saying they had no idea it was such a fast machine. Huge grins on their faces and they couldn't stop talking about it. Really chuffed !! :D
  10. Thanks for that - will check it out. Wendy
  11. Had to go to a BBQ and miss Qualifying. Quite frustrating to find out it was a good one and I missed it. Haven't used the video recorder in years, guess I need to get that sorted. Looking forward to a good race tomorrow.
  12. Jim, Thank you. PM sent Wendy
  13. Thanks guys. Jim, Thank You. Would you mind obtaining a price please. I will pm dave16v. Wendy
  14. Hi Guys, My passenger door is getting sticky to open, so think the handle may be going. Vince tells me there is somone on here who has mad a mod for this. Can someone point me in the right direction please. I also am looking for some Roof Strips - anyone know where I can locate these. Cheers Wendy
  15. The more the merrier !! :D Easypops - Let me know if you need somewhere to stay on the Sunday evening. Wendy
  16. Mine has passed 8 MOT's - all first time without any work. I have managed to achieve over 100,000 miles in that time, so I think Bill's claim to fame is Rubbish !!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. Good to hear this - think this is the only circuit I have not done yet - May is booked though in a Lotus Exige and a proper Track Day not one of the experiences that they do. Can't wait. :D
  18. Looking forward to the race, should be all over the place !!! That's not just the rain either that is expected !! :lol:
  19. Brilliant race and so different from Bahrain. Overtaking, team tactics, rain and some brilliant overtaking. Well done Button. I think the first time I have seen Hamilton really mad with his team, his radio commentary when he realised the others were not coming in again to change tyres - was stunning. Shame Webber butted him off so close to the end, but also shame for Webber, he really is jinxed at his Home GP. What about Michael in 10th - I bet the scowl has only deepened since Bahrain now !!!! Ok, so he came in for a new nose cone after the incident on the first lap, but the circuit was wet and certainly damp which is normally his terrority and he was not making up ground. I loved it when some of the what are considered back makers were not intimated by him and fought back when he tried overtaking. Hope the season continues like this. :D
  20. UGH !!!! I have literally only a couple of hours ago confirmed all our accomodation - except Inverness. Thank you for the offer though, dependant it more join the trip, we may still take you up on your offer. As Judith said, we are staying in Darvel - superb looking place too. They have also provided a list of their recomendations for eating. The dates are set 11th June to 20th June. We will be in Muirkirk for the Sprint Event on Sunday 13th June. I am sending you a PM
  21. This is great, numbers increasing. :D PaulMoVR6 We will be in Oban on Mon 14th June, Inverness Tues 15th, and Balmoral area on the Wed 16th. So hopefully you will either be able to join us for this section of the Tour, or if not, one or two evenings. I will be posting up Full Tour details soon, so hopefully we can encourage all our North of England and Scottish Corrado Owners to met up - in the evenings if nothing else. Hopefully too, suggesting of places to eat. Although remembering, we will be constantly eating out, providing fuel for the car and staying in B&B's, so cheap and excellent is what we will be after. :) Look forward to meeting up with you. Wendy
  22. Really sorry to hear this, I would be unconsolable if this happened to me. Again, as said before - main thing is you are Ok. Good Lucj=k with the insurance and a replacement really soon. Wendy
  23. That was a huge disappointment, I had been so looking forward to the start of the season. Qualifying was quite interesting and with all the talk, I had been expecting Barrichello in 11th to make a much bigger impact in the first part of the race with the harder tyres. With reference to race tactics and re-fuelling, often this was only done once or twice in a race. There still will be the tyre changes and despite these only taking approx 4 seconds, they still will be out of the race for approx 25seconds, so I think the decision of when to pull a driver in and feed him back out will still be in play and have effect. I am really hopeful, that due to none of the drivers having ever had to drive cars with full tanks and make them last a full race, naturally looking after their brakes too -which are given extra wear due to the full tanks - that they just need to get used to it and so this was very much a shake down race and things will get better. I do hope so, or I will just be watching Qualifying. !! What a BORING BORING CIRCUIT too. The track was really wide with no points of interest, hardly a tree, let alone a bridge and hardly any spectator stands either. Not that they needed any more as I hardly saw any spectators. I think the Mercedes looks really good and it was nice that Lotus were able to get both cars home, even if they were a lap or two behind. Lets hope things improve.............
  24. Did you hand over your credit card then Wendy or are you still looking at Porkers? No, keeping my Corrado just as it is - gave it a massive polish after driving Vince's, Jack had really cleaned it up and so it was looking good too. Anyway, what would I do with 365bhp that I can't do with 206.7 !!!!! :lol: :lol: (apart from kill myself a whole load quicker!!) And, since the clean there is probably an improvement on that anyway !!!!!!! Besides, I have been spending evening after evening researching (and very nearly finished) the Scottish Tour, so as for looking at other cars - no time at the moment. I am however as a side issue looking for a Workhorse, a small hatchback as i would like to use my Corrado less as a daily and I really do need something that I can throw junk in the back without being over the top about the leather and stuff.
  25. Driven it. !!! :D :D :D Impressive stuff, and had a big grin on my face all day after.!!!!! Well, Vince had to make sure it passed the Wendy Test, before letting you guys loose with it !!! :lol:
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