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Everything posted by MT

  1. Six months, and the torque still surprises me!! :lol:
  2. Im showing 88K, bought in march with 82K!
  3. Just been out for a spin to take a look at the boost readings again, ran up to the redline in forth (private road obviously!!) and got a reading of 1820 just before 6K!! :D How accurate is the MFA because thats a much higher reading than i got a few weeks ago?? could it be that the charger wasnt run in properly and now it is or some other reason?? oh and forgot to mention in previous post its still on stock pully with no engine mods.
  4. The charger was done to stage 2 spec by jabba, the muffler box was appparently changed when it was rebuilt, is that what you mean by the baffle box?? i had jabba do all the work e.g fitting and refitting due to my limited knowledge of the workings of the charger. where can i get this roc oil spray darren?? cheers
  5. sorry to go slightly off topic but whats the best way to find where a boost leak maybe?? just had a stage 2 rebuild but still only getting about 1650. :?
  6. But if you want exclusivity and more torque than Micheal Parkinson then it has to be the G60. Plus more scope for mods, if your that way inclined.
  7. MT

    MFA Oil Temp

    A few weeks ago whilst at the 'Ring the oil temp on my 60 was getting up to 130!!! Maybe an oil cooler is on the cards me thinks!! Any recomendations guys? preferably one which is easy to fit and cheap!!
  8. MT


    Woody, I was in your situation afew months ago, i opted to drive up to jabba and have them carry out a stage 2 on my '60. They seemed very competent and knew their stuff. The car was in and out with in two days. I would highly recommend them, although they arent the cheapest around you have peice of mind they have done a good job. I left a happy customer!
  9. Not entirely sure a 556 hp cossie fits the bill for a The Ultimate hot hatch of the '90s is without doubt the pug 106 GTI, the sublime handling and revtastic engine just beg for your favourite A or B road blat. These cars are seriously fast and soooo confidence inspiring you feel like a hero every time you drive it, excellent!!! The Ultimate hot hatch - no question!! As for the 80s its got to be the 205 GTI 1.9, throttle respone so sharp it can take your foot off, a fantasticly torquie engine and frightningly responisve handling, if driven properly can still show a clean set of p-zeros to much more powerful opposition!!
  10. Its gotta be something quicker than the c, so that narrows it down significantly! Maybe a nice TVR chimera or something equally suave, i hate to say it but BMW M3! Bad image, excellent drivers cars. Or as jim said an old 911 would be more than acceptable. But will prob just keep the c as a weekend car to blast around in and be exclusive in!!!
  11. MT

    G60 Oil Temps

    I know this is an extremely common quiry but anyway, what is the highest oil temp that it is 'safe' to run the engine up to?? in the handbook i believe it says that it should not operate above 136 i think. My G60 seems to run between 110 up to 124 if driving hard or stuck in traffic. This seems mighty hot yet the water temp doesnt move much above 80 even when driving hard, in traffic the temp goes up but never over 90-95. Im taking the car onto the continent in a few weeks time, what with sustained high speed driving and a visit to the Nurburgring racing circuit i would be interested to know if there are any tips to reducing the oil temps. Cheers, Martyn '91 Tornado Red G60
  12. Im having some problems with the foot brake in my g60, just wandering if anyone has had the same problem and can help me out before i visit the stealers and get them to look at it. Basicly the pressure seems inconsistent, when you initially apply the brake there is a small amount of travel in the pedal and plenty of resistance, normal i assume. If you have the brake applied for a longer period of time such as slowing for a roundabout or on a slip road by the time you are stationary you have had to apply more and more travel to keep the same braking force. The pedal effectively gets 'softer'. The pedal is almost on the floor in the most extreme cases! :shock: The pressure on the pedal is returned instantly if you lift off and reapply!!! Any ideas guys as im off the lap the Nurburgring in a few weeks and confidence inspiring brakes would be a definate bonus!!! :wink:
  13. MT

    Please read!!!!

    Well that sounds a fantastic idea, especially if the venue was in the south, us southerners seem to get neglected when it comes to decent track event!! Im definately up for it, not having to worry about other XR3's and RS turbos trying to ram you off the road like some other track day events. :mad: Put me down as a very interested. Martyn Tornado Red '91 G60
  14. MT

    ICE display dimming

    I have all the necessary wiring on my '91 G60. The display dims as soon as the lights are switched on, i believe it is standard wiring on all Corrados. Martyn
  15. Hello all, Im a new user of the site and indeed a 'rado G60 owner, being only 20 i thought i would share my knowledge of the merky waters that is insurance for us age impared youngsters!! Best insurance quote i recieved was from Adrian Flux insurance, (advert with number found in the back of most car mags) I think it was about £1500-1600 fully comp with me as the only driver with 3yrs NCB. Not too bad considering its a group 17 car. Also worth a try are elephant and admiral, similarly priced yet not as cheap as Adrian Flux Laterz Martyn - Red G60
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