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Everything posted by Rick_ford55

  1. Rick_ford55


    OK thanks guys i'll have a look for it tomorrow in daylight is it easy to get it off to clean?
  2. Rick_ford55


    Sorry for being a bit ignorant when it comes to the stuff undr the bonnet but can someone tell me how i can identify and clean my ISV? If anyone has a pic that would help :oops:
  3. how exactly do you do that? Where aboots in the engine is it? I'll certainly give it a try if i know where to look
  4. Hi guys wondering if you can help? My VR6 (Lreg) seems to be idling way too high. When i first bought it i noticed it would rev around 1200 but come back down to around 750 which seemed allright. I had it off road for a couple of months and the battery went flat and when i got it back on the road again not anly did the abs light and spoiler not work ( done fuse!) but the engine noe revs at around 1500rpm and from cold nearer 2000! any ideas wold be most appreciated.......
  5. My mechanic has reported that my rear brake pipes are corroded to excess and so are the lines from the front to rear so i will have to get them replaced soon.... the car is off the road at themo as i wont to do everything i can to it before next summer.. Is there a decent upgrade you can do for the brakes pipes??? Or should i just get them done in a local garage?
  6. Thanks guys it's only the bottom bit that comes off when i open and close the window, i'll try some of the that glue, know where i can get my hands on some?
  7. What would you guys recommend for this problem? The seal around my passenger wind is slowly coming undone outside the car although the glue is coming apart what would you recommend to stick it back down dont want to have to put it into a body shop as its mega bucks hard enough just to keep the thing on the road! And i'm looking for door pins that i used to have on my Mark 2 golf they were silver like the wolfsburg jobbies but had a little light on the top that went red when locked and then green when open anyone know where to get my hands on some?
  8. Heard alot about Gavs uprated loom on the site, i'm just new to the site, who is gav? and where do you get his updated loom?
  9. Hi everyone, I have just bought a corrado VR6 on a L plate and am almost in seventh heaven with the noise of the engine! However i seem to have a problem with my indicators so much as they seem to have a life of their own. When they work everything is allright but sometimes they just wont go on. If i give the dashboard a little whack above the speedo's etc they then start working again but sometimes go off again. It seems to get worse if it's been raining. As i live in sunny scotland this might pose a problem as it is already sending me a bit mental. has anyone else experienced a problem like this and if so how did you fix it?
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