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Posts posted by mr.ots

  1. Quick bump at Nigels request. Guesstimate price now is gonna be about £10 and that should include some sort of box (proper DVD style hopefully), a sleeve and postage to your door.


    Can you please reply to the poll so we know whether there is real interest in this! Nigel can then gauge how he needs to go about getting it done - ie mass produced, done at home, etc!


    Thanks :)


    Definately put me down for one.

  2. WTF?! How can they confiscate your private plate?! Surely an order to get it put back to legal / legible spacing, etc should be all thats required!!


    Jim - DVLA do state when you buy a registration mark that if you misrepresent it you risk it's confiscation so I guess people shouldn't be surprised if this happens. A bit excessive I know but they do make it clear from the off.


    It's not only the spacing and font of the letters either, a street legal number plate must contain the name of the company that produced it and their postcode and the BS145 mark to indicate that the plate meets British Standards. It's not even legal to use sticky pads to fix the plate, it must be secured by screws.


    Well at least my plates meet the majority of these requirements :lol:

  3. You must be scaring all these Rado owners mr.ots, I hope you aint using the flash cos they might think its undercover cops!


    no flash, using my D750i camera phone, I think they would be more concerned as to why there is a blue van screaming up behind them. :lol:


    Can't believe how many c's i'm seeing on the road lately (not all reported here), you'd think c's were common. :)

  4. I think it is more likely that someone will want to clone a car that is more mainstream. Cloning usually takes place when the criminal fraternity steals a car for illegal purposes and that usually isn't a rado. Although I personally think a rado is a good choice if you are looking to outrun the police on a twist piece of road :lol:


    I don't worry myself, if it gets cloned i'll just have to argue the case afterwards.

  5. So how do they do it?


    Basically they have special tools which they use on the inside of the panel to push the dent out. I've been told in some cases they run a tool back and forth over the dent and it starts pushing out. Although it sounds like they did a bit of panel beating on g60daves bonnet. As long as the paint isn't damaged and the panel isn't too heavily creased then can usually get the dent out.

  6. I've heard these guys can do some great work, I had a small dent removed once from an Audi A4 on the drivers door after the dealership manged to dent it when it was in for a service and you'd never know it had been there. Must get the c done, got a few car park dings but not surprising I guess after 10 years.

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