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Posts posted by mr.ots

  1. I've seen this once before and it was also on a Mystic Storm oddly enough.


    I couldn't diagnose it for definite but as I said to the owner :-


    It's the gearbox or the electronic 'traction control' system, think about it.....


    1) Engine mounts checked and passed.

    2) Only does it in 1st

    3) The gearbox itself is the only thing that can transmit that kind of vibration up the cables.


    Pull the box off and repair, or live with it.


    You may be right Kev although there is still a vibration in the other gears but the frequency is so much higher that the stick doesn't show any visual signs of movement but there is a pulsing through the stick when you rest your hand on it (steady on there fellas!).


    The other strange this is that sometimes it doesn't do it at all and I can't figure out why it should be intermittant.


    It's been doing it quite a while now and I'm learning to live with it.

  2. My Gear stick vibrates/shakes in first gear, always has, I've just got used to it, I did change the front mount which made things a bit better. I'll be changing the rear and 'box mounts soon so I'll let you know if that cures it. I had thought it could be down to the linkages, but it only does it in first...


    Yeah, first gear is the one that vibrates. It will be interesting to see if changing the other mounts makes any difference.

  3. Ok no comedy answers please.


    When I pull away in first gear my gearstick vibrates in a back and forward motion. I've checked the engine and gearbox mounts and all seems to be ok.


    Some other points i've noticed are:


    1. The vibration is less prominent when the car is cold

    2. I can also feel a pulsing vibration in other gears but no movement of the gearstick

    3. The vibration can be intermittant where I can pull away and it happens and then when I stop the car and pull away again it is gone completely but it occurs more often than not.


    I know there are one or two other forum members with the same problem at the moment so I'm hoping someone has come across it before and has the answer.


    Any ideas?

  4. Wait til you see mine on. It's your fault I've bought new headlights after parking next to you, so I'm gonna have to make you wanna buy some new trim!!


    Hmmm, maybe I should sell my C and then buy yours once you have finished fitting all those parts. I'd probably still have some change for a nice two week holiday somewhere :lol:

  5. Paul, you want the door trim?? heheheh silly storms with the wrong trim on! All that extra money you spent on the badge yet you get early trim on the doors!!


    But you have to admit Rob every C we checked at Stonor had the early trims on the doors so it's not like i'm in the minority.


    Hmmm £32.50 a side, I think some Back To Black is called for. :lol:

  6. At least with the old Gatsos only about 1 in 10 actually had film in them and you could usually tell on approach which ones were "live" because the two holes in the back of the unit would be open. As the Monitrons and the new Gatso MCS hold the pictures on hard disk and can be sent via broadband, the number of speeding convictions will go up dramatically and the cameras will pay for themselves in no time!! In the process it's the poor motorist who will pay the price.

  7. yeah dude, all the way from me in kingston through richmond, kew, acton, sure i saw one in wembley.... not good.


    im gonna get banned soon.


    oh well, i just hope that Raod Angel and Road Pilot keep on top of the gprs positioning... I should be safe enough. Thinking about getting a third gprs detector just to make sure, and maybe a snooper for the rest of the cameras!! Soon my dash will be worth more than the car with all the speed camera detectors I have!




    Well the GPS on my tom tom picks up most of them but that's only becuase the Monitrons are replacing the existing Gatsos. GPS is definately the way to go though and it's looking like the laser detectors will be made illegal soon anyway :(

  8. Driving around London lately I've noticed a number of new speed cameras popping up which sit on higher masts than the standard Gatso cameras and have smaller camera units at the top. Having recently received 3 points and a £60 fine for speeding (in my works van ironically and caught by a Talivan) I've done a little research on these new "Monitron" cameras and found out that unlike the older Gatsos these cameras don’t use film and transmit the pictures via ADSL to the police for processing. In addition they are not detected by in-car laser detectors as they are activated by Piezo strips buried in the road surface as opposed to K band radar. The cameras are also being placed near to traffic lights and can also detect both speeding and red light jumping!!!


    For those of you who thought that the speed camera situation was bad, it has just got a whole lot worse. Keep 'em peeled



  9. Rob - Very nice pics mate, the car is looking great as usual. Didn't know there was another event going on last weekend, I was up at Piston Fest at Snetterton. Hopefully I'll get to see the beauty at the next SE meet if we can both make it.

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