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Everything posted by PiercedWinky

  1. fecking hell !!!! :shock: you must have roads that have the appearance of glass to get away with that mush :lol: Our roads around here are hell. I swear you need an SUV to get over anything for daily driving. I have already taken out one oil pan from not paying attention to what I was doing. I swear the man holes around my house are about 6 inches higher than the rest of the street.
  2. i find that hard to believe :lol: ours are dirty great things that get stuck either end of our cars, the law gets all unneccesary if the plates aren`t just so :lcop: :( the leather looks real nice They are just as bad with the placement of number plates out here too. I am in one of 3 states that requires a front and rear plate. Most states only require the rear. And the front seats aren't in as good of condition so I have been on a search to find a set.
  3. About 2 inches... I am going to be getting 45mm lip for it as soon as I can find one that isn't beat to hell.
  4. I like the idea, I want to see how that turns out.
  5. The car isn't daily driven at all so the hieght isn't too much of a problem for me. I did drive it everyday for about six months and had no real problems. It looks alot lower than it actually is because of the 90mm lip in the front. That and my driveway is pretty flat helps out a bit too
  6. The funny thing is I wish we had your number plates on this side of the pond :lol: And the camber was before I went in for an alignment on the suspension. it is all better now.
  7. Here is the new color that the car is getting repainted in the near future (trying to find time for body work rightnow) I am also in the middle of a late style dash conversion and am almost done putting a 93 tan leather interior in.
  8. thank you very much. I am going to be polishing them very soon. and maybe going a bit lower
  9. Well this is my first post on this forum... I am usually on VWVortex. I figured I would sign up for this message board and start posting so here is my car as it was a year ago.
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