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Everything posted by bunnyix

  1. bunnyix

    Little help

    Hi All, I am sure this will easy for someone to solve on here; Spot the difference below, Green Tailgate (mine) is missing something around the LOCK aperture, OTHER tailgate has what I require..! Could someone either correctly name / Ident the Part # / Supply @ cost the item. CCFN Bunny
  2. Hi, Do you happen to have a tailgate lock seal? Cheers
  3. Hi Dave, Turns out I am in need of a Handbrake Cover Kit also. Just let us know if the price has changed for kit with ALL the trimmings ;-) CCFN Bunny
  4. Hi Dave, Go on then I'ii have a set please, just need payment info via PM please Bunny
  5. Thats another one Done, Good luck to them
  6. Hi Dave, I'll take the Rear Hatch Sprung Popper,Please! Just PM the payment details Bunny
  7. Looks like I have missed out on this, please consider me IF 5 people should drop out
  8. Hi, Please consider me as 'IN' on a GB CCFN
  9. Done, just let us know payment details buddy £100
  10. Cool, I will await your next installment Buddy...!
  11. I'll take the unpainted @ £45
  12. I am after the heater controls and the rear wiper arm cover which has the Jet /Nozzle in. I can get it collected from Chelms if easier. Cheers Bunny
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