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Everything posted by VR6matty

  1. Always knew the buys/sales on WD appear to be too good to be true :grin: http://www.vwt2oc.com/Forum/forums/Sale ... rsale.aspx
  2. Had this done quite recently by Vince appears that the rear Calipers from the Mk 4 Golf are a direct fit using the original VR rear carriers, As for the hoses i know he ordered the Mk2-Mk4 Rear Brake Conversion kit that goodridge make to fit them, the ones in the for sale appear to be correct Not sure if the golf carriers are the same as the c hope this helps Matt
  3. Good work! Will be interesting to see when it's done, hope they get yours done so I can get mine in! I have the May slot just having the turbo for now :( Still lookin forward to it tho :D
  4. Silver valver (i think) going opposite way on murray rd nr ottershaw around 7.30 this evening,
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