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C. Will Corrado G60 2

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Everything posted by C. Will Corrado G60 2

  1. I really like the look of the Eibach Strut, it's the old flat style.
  2. Righto i have a little dilemma. I have a MK2 Eibach Front Upper strut and there are three mounting holes on each side. Two on each side are accessible but one hole on each side is obstructed by the bulkhead. Has anyone on here ever fitted one? I see there being two options. a) Drill new hole through brace mount and car b) Only use two mount holes on each side (seems crazy though as these braces need to be tight) Any advice welcome.
  3. Oil has been order. cheers for the info Kev.
  4. Kev, you're a star mate. That's all the info I need to purchase the right oil. I'll go with your suggestion, 6 litres should do it hey? Have you purchased from http://www.opieoils.co.uk before?
  5. Kev, Thanks for the suggestion. I don't really know much about oil, but from brief conversations with the garage, they've said a Semi-synthetic would be better for an engine which has done over 90,000. Now, what I would like to know is, why? The oil you suggest is fully synthetic, why would this be better, also what is the difference between 10W/40 and 10W/50? Sorry for all the questions, but I know you have experience in modified VR6 engines, so I good man to ask. Cheers
  6. Anyone got an advice. I usually use a Semi-Synthetic 10W/40, Should I be using anything else?
  7. I'm having my Corrado serviced and I'm wondering which is the best oil I should use for my set-up below. 2.8 VR6 90,000 miles Stage 3 Supercharger FMIC Oil Cooler Cams etc etc Running around 300BHP. Cheers
  8. Hi Oilman, I need your help? I have a 2.8 VR6 Corrado (Mk4 golf VR6 Conversion), which has a stage 3 supercharger set-up running 300BHP (FMIC, Oil cooler, high lift cams etc...) What kind of oil should I buy and how much do I need? Never runs over 104 degrees and the engine has done around 90,000 miles. Thanks
  9. After threading my hub three times now I'm looking into longer locking wheel bolts. They need to be longer as I have spacer on. Has another tried these? (I know they're on ebay and might be shite but it's a start): http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/X-long-LOCKING-WHEEL-BOLTS-VW-4-stud-12x1-5-tapered_W0QQitemZ220339993225QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item334d497a89#ht_1157wt_732
  10. Looking into new rims for C, but as I'll more than likely be using adaptors what is the max off set with standard arches which have been rolled? What are your set-ups?
  11. loving the TT dash, how easy is it going to be to fit though?
  12. For me the whole episode was pretty crap. The Geoff main feature was a complete joke, every part was so staged it wasn't even funny. Pretty disappointed to be honest. May have to start watching some other new programmes on discovery.
  13. We have to take a closer look next time I see the car, think it's being parked up for the winter now though. The storm kits do look a little old skool now though, need Lupo style wiper etc.
  14. I'm looking to get a single wiper conversion to help clean up the looks. Does anyone know what single wiper conversion are available? I've heard of the storm conversion kits, are they any good?
  15. I'm going to download the app at the weekend and see how it does. Even if it's close (ish) that dam good for an app on your phone. I'll report back at the weekend
  16. Not tried it yet but when I do I'll let you know. Should interesting to see how close it is.
  17. ...the iphone. Ok so it may not be that accurate but it will give you a rough idea of figures we'd all like to know like. # 0-60 Acceleration # 1/4 Mile # Horsepower Check the full article here. http://www.torquevw.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=136:dynolicious&catid=38:whats-hot-general&Itemid=30
  18. We've move the guide to here, the old one wil stay there for a while but it will to deleted at some point. New location to Corrado door card removal http://www.torquevw.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=69:corrado-removing-a-replacing-front-door-cards&catid=36:how-to-guides-corrado&Itemid=28
  19. The 2009 show season is in full swing with many shows still to come, so check TVW for your latest show reports. In this update we have a DC-09 show report, feature cars from Lewy Laidler Polo Mk5 GTI & Darren Wilkinson Polo Mk3 GT Coupe, two new how to guides covering changing oil and oil filter on Corrado G60 and replacing an ABS sensor. Plus news from Volkswagen and some of the latest products on the market. We'll soon be running a Wagenwerks competition, with a chance to win one of their DVDs, so keep coming back and don't miss out. Hope you like the new site, if you have any suggestions please get in touch. Check out http://www.torquevw.com
  20. No sure really, need to save the cash first anway and by then I will more than likely of changed my mind or have some other crazy plans for the C.
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